Meet The Parents

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"Precious it will be fine" Mycroft moaned, watching you as you rushed around your and his bedroom, packing everything you thought would be needed.

"Will it?" you asked, pushing your hair back and checking everything was in the bag. "My this is the first time I am meeting your parents, what if I make a bad impression"

"It will be fine, I assure you" Mycroft said, tapping his foot impatiently. He had planned that you and he would be on the road 10 minutes ago. "My parents will love you"

You looked at Mycroft, and at his pleading face, wanting you to agree to leave with him.

"Right I am done" you mumbled, closing the suitcase and picking it up.

"After packing the entire house" Mycroft complained.

"Shh My" you mumbled. "I am just worried."

"I know you are" Mycroft said, stopping and kissing your lips gently. "It will be fine precious"

"I hope so" you mumbled.

"It will" Mycroft said for the hundredth time, leading out and opening the boot. You placed your bag in as Mycroft turned on the alarm system and locked the door.

"Right then" he muttered, getting into the driver's seat and starting the car, heading toward the road.

The journey was around an hour and a half. Mycroft had put on some classical music to fill the comfortable silence you had both fallen into.

"What do I call them?" you ask suddenly.

"Who precious?" Mycroft asked.

"Your parents" you said, rolling your eyes. "Do I call them Mr and Ms Holmes, mum and dad"

"I am sure Mr and Mr Holmes will be fine" Mycroft said, changing gear.

You didn't reply, watching as the countryside went past you both.

"Are they clever?" you asked suddenly.

"My mother was a mathematician," Mycroft said, "So yes, she would be classed as clever. My father enjoys being called the sane one because he doesn't possess" Mycroft waved his hand in his air. "What me and Sherlock have"

"What? Idiocy?" you asked giggling.

"Well, my brother very much fits that category" Mycroft said, "However I cannot say that I am an idiot"

"You aren't" you said, kissing his cheek. "You are perfect"

"My dear if anyone is perfect" Mycroft said, turning into a country road. "Then you are"

You giggled, looking out of the window to see the rural views.

"Yes, my father describes himself a little bit of a moron." he said.

"Then I will fit right in" you said, chucking.

"You are not a moron precious" Mycroft said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay" you whined.

Mycroft shook his head and pulled up to a large house, surrounded by the country.

"We are here already?" you asked, getting worried.

"Yes" Mycroft said, getting out and stretching slightly.

"Oh dear" you mumbled, checking your hair and face in the car mirror.

"Come on (y/n)" he called.

"Coming My" you said, getting out of the car, shaking slightly and taking your suitcase.

"Precious?" Mycroft asked.

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