7. News to me

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It's a typical Saturday morning for me: going on  movie marathon. Luckily for me, my bestie's favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning is to hit my phone up.

ring ring ring

Paula's calling.

"Hey, Janet!" She said all happy-like.

"What's up?"

"I need to know what you're wearing to the party tonight!"

"What party?"

"Prince and his band are throwing a party at 9."

I honestly can't think of anything to say. I'm in a state of confusion. First of all, why doesn't he tell me about these things? Second of all, who parties at 9 pm? I'm well asleep by then.

Oh, you weren't invited?"

"I guess not."

There is an uncomfortable amount of silence happening in this conversation. Everything came as a surprise to me.

"Wait a minute! Back up! Did you say band?"


My eyebrows furrowed, "What band?"

"The Revolution? I think.. All I know is that he skips school to practice with them."

I let out a big sigh and face palmed. "So that's why I barely see him in class. Girl, I don't know if I should carry on with this relationship. He acts so stand-off-ish sometimes, you know? And he barely tells me what he's doing or where he is."

"It's okay, Janet." She said, trying to comfort me. "Maybe he just forgot."

"If he loved me like he said he did, he wouldn't forget." I giggle to myself a bit. "Silly how I get so attached to him after one kiss."

Paula gasps at the new information I just told her, "You guys kissed!?"

"Yes, girl! It was like magic!" I said, reminiscing the feeling of his love. "But now, I feel very uneasy. What if he doesn't like me, and he's just using me? What if he's going behind my back with another girl?"

"Janet, slow your roll. If you really feel that way, I suggest you discuss it with him."

"Okay, I guess so. Talk to you later."

"Bye, Jan."

I immediately hung up the phone to dial Prince's number.

"Hey, babe." He said with a light chuckle.

"Hey! How are you doing?" I'm trying to sound as sweet and welcoming as possible, so he would be more likely to open up to me.

He yawned, "Nothing. I just woke up."

"How was your sleep?"

"It was nice, but it would have been better if you were here."

I hate when says stuff like that! I'm trying to be mad at him, but he's making it hard.

"Aw, you're so sweet. I'm flattered."

"I've been blessed to hear your voice this morning."

I can't help but smile to myself when he said that.

"I wish I could hear your beautiful voice every time I wake up. And I know I don't tell you this enough, but I'm deeply in love with you."

"Oh," I blushed, "I love you too, but I wasn't sure you felt the same way."

"Of course I do. Don't you ever think twice about it." His morning voice is actually hot, not gonna lie. "Anyways, is there any reason you called me?"

"I don't remember."

I hear slight laughter coming from him and someone else in the background. The voice sounded very feminine. Instantly, I remember my purpose for calling.

"If you don't mind me asking, is there anything going on that I need to know about?"

"Nothing that I can think of, at the moment. Why?"

I hear the feminine voice in the background laugh once more.

My voice became monotoned, "No reason," I have never felt both confused and angry at the same time.

"By the way, I got something to ask you."


"I'm throwing a small get-together at my place, and I was wondering if you would like to come."

"I'm surprised you even want to be near me," I say coldly.

He was silent for a moment, "what are you talking about?"

"It probably doesn't matter to you. Anyways, I guess I'll speak to you later."


I hung up on Prince and immediately called Paula to tell her what happened.

"Hey, Jan!"

I'm on the verge of tears. Paula heard it in my voice. "Hey, Paula."

She grew concerned, "Oh my gosh, what happened?"

"I feel like he's lying to me," I peak over at the makeup mirror from my vanity to see the reflection of my teary red eyes. "I think he was cheating on me while I was on the phone with him. I feel like he doesn't appreciate me the way I appreciate him!"

"Did he say anything about the party?"

"Yeah, except he called it a 'small get-together', but I digress."

"He's from Minnesota. They think everything's a small get-together." Paula's comment earned a giggle from me, "But anyways, this is great!"

"How is this great?"

She sighed, "Notice how you keep saying 'I feel like' and 'I think that' in reference to what you think Prince is doing? Since he's throwing that party, you can finally get some closure on his sketchy activities."

"Well, you're right," I said wiping my tears, " but I don't know if I want to speak to him."

"Jan, I know you're broken, but you gotta remember: this is the guy you've always wanted to be with. If you wanna make things right, I think that you should take this opportunity to talk to him."

I sigh in defeat, "Fine, I'll give it a try."

"Yay!" Paula cheered. She got so happy I took her advice. "I'll be at his party too, so I'll be there if you need me."

I sniffle, "Thank you for your help, Paula."

"It's my pleasure, Jan. By the way, since the party's at 9, can I come over to your house at 6? I'm, like, totally having a fashion catastrophe!"

"Of course you can! See you later, girl."

She giggled, "Bye!"

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