3. DVDs

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Archie and Jughead are the only ones that haven't kissed...

I thought, as I lay in my bed waiting for something, anything to happen. I finished watching Riverdale, so what else is there to do?

I suddenly get interrupted by the sound of a doorbell. I might as well go get it I thought. Michael already beat me to it. By the time I get there, he's already bro hugging one guy and kissing another.

Michael moves out of the doorway to let Prince and Eddie walk in and then shuts the door behind them. I stand at the end of the stairs watching Prince walk by. I make my way over to the couch in the living room to watch 13 Reasons Why. Paula keeps telling me it's a good show, but I never really cared.

Michael, Eddie, and Prince stand in the kitchen talking about... whatever boys like to talk about.

"Mike, I never noticed that your sister is so good-looking?" Prince said quietly checking me out. He obviously does a terrible job considering I can hear him from the kitchen behind me. I can see him through the reflection of the television screen. I can't help but blush when I see him bite his lip.

Michael turns to Eddie, "Prince better watch himself." He said receiving a chuckle from both of them.

I turn off the television and go upstairs to read a book. I actually find it very relaxing.

Going upstairs, I feel the weight of the stares coming from the kitchen. I don't pay attention to it.

"Prince, you don't seriously like my sister, do you?" Michael questioned with disgust. They don't know I'm still here. I'm actually hiding behind the wall of the stairs.

"Well, I guess I do." Prince said in realization. I feel an overwhelming rush of happiness take over my body every time he speaks. I never crushed on anyone so hard before.

"Eww, that's grossed, dude."


"Because that's my sister. How would you feel if I dated Tyka?" Michael said crossing his arms.

"I wouldn't care. Besides, it won't happen. You like boys." Prince said.

"That's what I said." I blurted out quickly covering my mouth afterwards.

"Did y'all hear something?" Eddie said looking around.

"I didn't hear anything." Prince said as he turns the television on.

Michael places his hand on Eddie's thigh. "I'm gonna hear you moaning, tonight." He whispered in Eddie's ear, giving him a kiss afterwards.

"Eww, that's gross, dude." Prince said, mocking Michael's voice, which made them all laugh. "Bro, do you have a movie we can watch?"

"Yeah, it's in my room."

Oh shit, he's coming! Oh hell! I need to make it from here to our bedroom without making a sound and somehow, I manage to do that.

Act natural, Janet!

"Hey, Jan, what are you doing here?" Prince said approaching me slowly with a smile.

"I want to read a book," I said, gazing into his heavenly hazel eyes.

"Oh, okay. Do you know where the movie DVDs are?"

"Yeah. I'll go get them."

I head to the cabinet to get the DVDs. "Here you go, Prince."

"Thanks." He said, taking them. "Janet?"

"Yes, Prince?"

"I was wandering if we could hang out some time, you know? Just the two of us?"

I stand there, trying to process that through. Did Prince just ask me to hang with him?

"Yes, I would love to."

"Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow."


As soon as he walks out, I back flop on my bed. Oh my god, what just happened?

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