9. Resolutions

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The performance ends with a roaring applause coming from the audience.

"Everybody, the band and I hope you all enjoyed the concert," He says into the mic. "but can we please get a round of applause for the ever-so foxy, Ms. Janet Jackson!"

What the hell is wrong with this man doing? I never really minded being the center of attention, but that is when I'm privy to the information beforehand. I appreciate the gesture but I feel kinda ambushed right now. Nonetheless, I crack a big smile for him in support. He kisses my cheek, receiving an "awe" from the audience.

"Let's get this party started!"

Everybody cheers as the band members disassembles to join the actual party. The music was now a responsibility of the DJ.

"Babe," Prince yelled over the music, "I need to show you something!"

I spot Paula near the drinks talking to a guy. Just the person I need to talk to!

"Can it wait?! I need to talk to my friend!"

He nods as I walk over to my bestie.

"Hey, Paula! I need to ta--"

"Hey, Jan!" she interrupted, "This is my boyfriend, Emillio!"

Holy shit, Emilio is hot! He has slicked-back light brown hair and blue eyes. Sounds just like  Paula's type. Paula has always had a knack for bagging good-looking white boys.

"Nice to meet you, Emilio!"

"Hello there, Janet! How ya doin'?!"

He hugs me without warning. Paula looks at us and laughs. I, on the other hand, am terrified of this man. When we part from our hug, they both start laughing harder.

Something tells me that there wasn't fruit punch their red solo cups. I know drunk Paula when I see her. This isn't her first rodeo.

"Girl, have you been drinking!?"

"Why would you say that?" she slurred her words, "By the way, what Prince did for you was so nice! No wonder why you wanna fuck him!"

"Paula! What the hell?!"

"What there's no shame in that, right, Em?"

He didn't even say anything. He leans in to make out with her. I really don't feel like watching drunk Paula and her new boy toy swap saliva.

"Well, I'll leave you to it!"

I walk back over to Prince hoping he can take my mind off of seeing those drunk asses make out in public.

"Are you okay, babe!?" He asked.

I wanted to say no but I said, "Yeah, why!?"

"Your face looks like you just seen something disturbing!"

I cover my shock with a smile, "No, everything is fine!"

"Okay, well I have somewhere to show you!"

He grabs my arm and pulls me through the crowd. What is up these people and arm pulling? Anyways, he takes me further away from where the party was, causing the music seem little bit quieter. 'Quiet' enough for us to speak in a normal tone.

Prince takes me down a hallway filled with people either making out or getting wasted. A couple of the guys stare at me seductively. It's a great thing Prince is with me to guide me.

He brings me to a room filled with musical instruments and posters. My eyes get big and my jaw drops at the site.

"Oh my gosh! What is this place!?" I said in amazement.

He laughed a bit, "This is my room. Sorry that it's a tad bit messy."

"It's okay. I love it!" I walk over to the guitar near the bed. "So you actually live here?"

"Yeah, something like that," he responded getting closer to me, "So... did you enjoy my performance?"

"Sure, it was nice. Where'd you get this guitar?"

I turn towards him and he seems kinda paranoid.

"It was a gift, but we don't have to talk about it."

The way the strings are tightened is interesting to me, so I thought it was a good idea to touch them.


"No! Don't touch that!"

He suddenly pushes me away. He grabs the guitar and grips it tightly.

"My bad. I should just leave, shouldn't I?"

"No. I brought you here for a reason." He says as he put the guitar back where it was.

He leads me to his bed, where we sit with my hand in his.

"Hopefully, you know that my feelings for you are very deep. I love you and I want to take things to the next level."

"What does that mean?"

"I want us to get more... physical."

All of a sudden, I feel his lips on my neck along with his hand caressing my thigh.

"Prince! Ugh, get off of me!" I said pushing him.

I look at him for a moment. He looks very much hurt yet shocked.

"You know what? I should known you were gonna act like this. Do you even like me!?"

"Why would you ask that? You know I do. Sometimes, it feels like you try to start an argument for no reason."

"It's not for no reason. I show you love all the time. I even put on a show for you! So, why can't you show affection to me!?"

"So, you think I should give you my virginity because you sang a song about me!?"

"No, I'm saying that our relationship shouldn't be so one-sided! I don't feel like you've given me anything."

I swear to God, his words cut like a knife. I'm not bringing anything to the table? Really? I don't even wanna look at him anymore. I get up off the bed and attempt to head out the room, before Prince opens his mouth.

"Really? You're gonna leave?" he said while getting up following me, "You are such a spoiled brat."

I stop and turn, "I am leaving, because you clearly want me gone, since apparently, I'm not bringing anything."

"Baby, that's not what I meant. It's just that sometimes, I try to show you love and you don't give me any in return."

I feel a tear fall down my face, "Well, maybe I've never had a relationship like this before! Babe, you're supposed to be patient with me!"

A stream of tears falls down my face. I feel his hand on my back, trying to comfort me.

"I want to be there for you, but I also wanna feel loved in return. I know you're very suspicious of me, but what will it take for you to fully trust me?" he grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.

"I don't know. I guess it'll just take some time."

"Well, you have plenty of time to think about it later, but right now we're at a party. And you should enjoy yourself."

"I suppose so, but I would much rather stay here with you."

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