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dear felix,

i know you'll never get this
letter but i want to get some things
off my chest. remember when you
said you liked me? well i like you
too. i used to like you. i never had
feelings for chan. i just dated him
to try and get rid of my feelings for
you. i thought you didn't and would
never like me that way. so i tried to
move on from you. also i do remember
the astronaut game. maybe one day you,
me, and changbin can play it again together
in another life. speaking of changbin i met
up with him. we became friends over a
short amount of time. the more time we
spent together, the more i fell for him.
i'm sorry felix that my feelings for you
aren't the same as they were before.
i hope to see you in the next life.

p.s (you were my one worth waiting for)

love, your lover hyunjin

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