Chapter Twenty Seven: Spring Break

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In the movies, spring break is an entire week of going on an insanely-expensive vacation with all of your friends and getting super wasted. Spring break for our school has never been a massive deal. Most people visit family relatively nearby.

But my friends and I have a spring break tradition; it's not exactly what you see on the big screen, but it's fun. We always rent the same exact Air-B&B in the mountains. Every spring, we go up there for a getaway week.

So when Jen comes up to me a few days before spring break starts and asks if I'm down to come, I don't have to ask what he means.

"Hell yeah," I reply. "What do you want me in charge of this year?"

"You're on entertainment."

I laugh. It's kind of a running joke between us. Every year, I'm the one in charge of bringing games, movies, etc. The reason for this is my dad. Once, Jen made the mistake of asking me to bring drinks, and my dad freaked out when he thought we were going to be drinking alcohol. He almost made me stay home instead of go on the trip, and it took hours of persuasion to try and change his mind.

So since then, I've been stuck with entertainment, not that I really mind.

Suddenly I have a thought. "Wait, Jen?" She had been about to leave, but stops.

"Uh huh?"

I try to think about how to phrase my request. What's she going to say? How is she going to react? I'm nervous she'll say no. Maybe it's not a good idea after all. I mean, these trips have always been our tradition...

I lose my confidence and stammer, "Um, nothing. Just wanted you to know that this year's movies are going to be great."

Jenna snorts a laugh, shouldering her backpack. "I sure hope so. If they're the same as last year I'm going to kill you." She looks at me closer, seeming to realize I'm nervous about something.

"What is it, Aud?"

I take a deep breath to steady myself, chiding myself for thinking I could sneak anything past her. "IsitokayifIaskJacktocomewithustothemountains?"

"S'cuse me, I don't speak fuckish," she responds, clearly not hearing me properly.

"I said... is it okay if I ask Jack to come with us to the mountains?" I mumble quickly, my cheeks flushing uncomfortably. "It's completely okay if you say no, I know it's kind of our group's thing, and it might be more expensive with more food and stuff but I swear I can cover him, you'll hardly even know he's there and-"

I break off my rant when I notice Jenna laughing her ass off. "What?" I ask defensively.

"You're just..." she trails off, still wheezing. "Sure, he can come. God knows, you both need to get laid like nobody's business, it's the perfect oppor-"

"Jenna." I rub my burning hot face with my hands, trying to cover up my embarrassment. "Shut up."

"Fine," she says, still grinning, and then clarifies, "Of course he can come, he's part of the group now."

"Are you sure?" I ask, hiding my excitement.

She scoffs. "I think the real question is, are you ready for a week with Jaaaaack?" She winks suggestively.

I stare at my feet awkwardly. "Of course, why wouldn't I be? We're friends."


"Jenna!" I complain, exasperated. "Jack and I are friends. Seriously, that's all." That's all we'll ever be.

"Audrey!" She says in the same mocking tone. "But yeah, I'm fine with him coming."

I hug her, smiling. "Thanks! So, back to the movies, I swear they'll be top notch, okay?"

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