Chapter 2

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They left the chapel with her figuring there wouldn't be anyone there like when they'd gone in. To her shock, most of the guys had returned from wherever they'd gone. Each looked over at Bobby as he exited the chapel then over to her. Several shocked faces made her smile.

"RIVER!" Jax exclaimed as he walked over to pull her into a tight hug, "How've you been, Darlin'?"

"Better. But that's a story for later." She explained before being pulled into a hug by Opie.

The pair were like two older brothers to her as she'd grown up in the club. She laughed as Opie gave her a squeeze.

"Looking good, Doll." Tig stated as he walked up to her for a hug making her smile.

Happy stood back watching his brothers hugging Bobby's step-daughter. He'd never been one for showing emotion, or affection, but she made him react differently. One-by-one she'd hugged all the bikers except Happy. Most people were frightened of him but not her. She'd had the hots for him since she was sixteen. She just nodded at him knowing how he was but was shocked when he walked over and gave her a hug. She happily wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him back, inhaling his scent as she did.

Bobby walked over and told her to hang out in the clubhouse. Jax was calling church so they could discuss what to do about her situation. She nodded in understanding before moving to find herself a seat. She looked around the clubhouse and noted the few changes here and there. Nothing big. Looking at all the mugshots made her smile. Her mother had stayed strong when her Pops had gone to prison. She had Gemma and the other 'ol ladies to help them through it. River had missed him terribly when he'd went away and spent the first two weeks crying all the time. They were all proud of their mugshots which amused her.

Jax looked over at Bobby who ran his hand over his face. He took a breath and explained everything River had told him about the guy and what he was doing to her. Hearing all this stalking behavior and how it was escalating sent red flags up with everyone. Then hearing he'd actually broken into her apartment and left a note stating they'd be together soon said all they needed to know. The guy needed to be dealt with and quickly. The problem was they didn't know if he were still in Baltimore or if he'd followed her to Charming. Jax said he'd have Juice track his credit card purchases to see where he was and what he was doing. The blond promised Bobby they'd keep his girl safe.

The FO thanked his brothers for their help and told them how scared she was of the guy. Tig promised if the guy showed up, there was a whole lot of bikers ready to deal with him. She'd grown up as one of SAMCRO since she was Bobby's step-daughter and they were very close. Her mother, being a nurse, had helped patch up bikers all the time. She was very well thought of since she brought goodies to the clubhouse much like Bobby did. The bikers had taken her death very hard, even Gemma who was her best friend. Jax slammed the gavel down stating she was under the protection of the Sons and that she was to go nowhere without a patched member with her.

Once they'd left church, Bobby told her what she expected. They were going to deal with him and she wasn't allowed to go anywhere without one of them with her. She remembered incidents from when she was a kid and teen. Happy sat down with her earning a simple head nod. She remembered how he preferred to communicate. He was never one for talking. At least in public. She didn't really know what he was like behind closed doors. He yelled for the prospect to bring two glasses and his favorite brand of Whiskey. She was old enough to drink and he was uncharacteristically sharing a drink with her. They clinked glasses as they looked out into the lot.

"How'd you get involved with this guy?" She suddenly Happy's raspy voice ask.

"We went to school together. We weren't in the same program but we saw one another on campus. The cafeteria, on the grounds, the gym, that sort of thing." She replied, "Honestly, if I knew what I had done to make him so obsessed with me, I swear I'd stop."

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