Chapter 4

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"I'm gonna head over to the hospital. Someone needs to watch out for Bobby. You stay here with Happy." Tig stated earning a head nod from the young woman before he looked over at his brother.

"I'll keep her safe." Happy grunted out as River was losing the battle with her tears.

"I'll let you know what I find out about his condition." Tig stated before leaving the room and shutting the door.

Happy hated to see her cry. She was always smiling, making jokes, and in such good spirits. Seeing her like this now nearly broke him. He got up off his bed and moved to wrap his arms around her shoulders. Instinctively she wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face in his chest. She couldn't hold it in anymore and let the tears flow. Happy just held her tightly to him as she cried. When her tears started slowing down, he told her to climb into his bed and get settled. She quickly did as he told her to and watched as he stripped down for bed himself before crawling into bed. He turned the light off then tapped his chest for her to scoot over and cuddle with him.

She quickly scooted over, desperately needing the affection and security, and rested her hand in the middle of his tattooed chest. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and rested his other hand on top of hers. They remained quiet, each in their own thoughts. Hers about losing the only family she had left. His about how they could track the piece of shit down who was terrorizing the sweet angel in his arms. Hearing her sniffling angered him. This prick was causing her more pain that was undeserved. What Happy was going to do to him when he got ahold of the little prick would be a lot of fun for the Killah.

"Shh, little girl. Go to sleep." Happy exclaimed.

"He's all I have left, Happy. I can't lose him too." She blurted out.

"You have the club. He's not all you have left." Happy replied as he began to slowly rub her back with his hand.

"You know what I mean. My mom's gone. I never knew any of my other family. She told me her family bailed on us when they found out she was involved with Pops. I have no siblings. It's just me and Pops now." She began tracing some of his chest tattoos with her index finger.

"You'll always have the club." Happy told her, "Besides, he's gonna pull through. He's a tough man."

"I hope you're right." She sighed

The sound of Happy's heart, the way he was gently rubbing her back, and the adrenaline wearing off finally helped her drift off to sleep. It took Happy a little while to go back to sleep since his thoughts were all on the creep who was stalking River and had shot his brother. His pre-paid woke him up several hours later. He grumbled as he grabbed for his phone. Flipping it open, he found Tig calling him.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey man, it's me. Bobby's out of surgery and in the ICU at the moment. Doctor says the prognosis is good but he's going to be in here for a while." Happy heard Tig tell him.

"Thanks. I'll let her know." Happy replied.

"I'll keep you informed. I'm staying here in case that little shit tries anything else." Tig stated before hanging up.

Happy was glad his brother was going to be ok. He knew it would ease her mind too in hearing he was going to be ok. Setting his phone back down on the bedside table, he turned his attention back to River who was fast asleep. He just smiled at her sleeping form before leaning his head against hers and closing his eyes once more. When she woke up, she was on her side with her face buried in Happy's chest sort of cocooned in his arms. She was warm and felt safe and moaned at the contact. Her moaning began to rouse him from his slumber. Before his mind could stop him, he greeted her with "Morning, baby." She stared up at his face wondering if it were a Freudian slip or if his true feelings were showing since he was still mostly asleep.

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