Chapter 7

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Around dinner time, Gemma asked River and Lyla to help with making dinner. Jax had Opie go relieve Chibs at the hospital. The bearded, beanie wearing biker kissed his wife before leaving the compound for his shift at the hospital. Happy watched the kitchen carefully to see how River took to Lyla. She'd always been a friendly person and it didn't appear that that had changed with her time on the East coast. Gemma told River all about Abel and his birth including his kidnapping by the Irish making her gasp. She told the younger woman all about Thomas and Tara's pregnancy with him.

Lyla listened in as the two women caught up on the goings-on of the club members. River could tell that there were still some feelings for Clay for Gemma even though she'd explained about what had gone down between them before he was kicked out of the club and then killed. River was surprised to hear her aunt talking about dating some guy named Nero whom the Sons were associated with making Gemma laugh. "I don't need a man, I want one." Gemma stated making River nod her head and laugh.

"That's my problem. I want one but can't find one I like." River sighed before glancing out to the main room and looking at Happy briefly.

"The right one'll come along, sweetheart. You're still young. Don't rush things." Gemma told her.

"I'm twenty-four. Half the girls in this town are married or in a long-term relationship by now." River exclaimed.

"You just did six years in nursing school, baby. Give yourself time to find that perfect man. He's out there. (River immediately thought of Happy) Don't rush things." Gemma told her.

"I guess." River shrugged.

"So, you're single? Lyla asked.

"Yeah. I've had the odd date here and there over the past year, year and a half but nothing steady. Last real boyfriend I had was nearly three years ago and we didn't last very long." River replied.

"Oh? Why's that?" Gemma inquired.

"Religious differences." River stated, "He thought he was God and I disagreed."

Gemma laughed, "Ok, what happened between you?"

"He liked ordering for me. Which at first I thought was kind of romantic. Then he began telling me what to wear. Which at first I thought was kind of cute. When he started bitching about who I was hanging out with, where I was going, and how long I was at school, because sometimes I stayed after for study groups, I knew there was a problem.

I told him I wasn't going to be controlled. I wasn't going to be treated as if I didn't know how to dress myself or how to order my own food. Told him we were over, to never call, text, or show up to my home again and if he didn't stay away from me, I'd kick his ass. If he didn't want to listen to me, I'd get my Pops and all his biker brothers to come up and deal with him themselves. He got the message and hasn't bothered me since." River explained.

"Good for you, sweetheart! You deserve someone who'll treat you like a Queen not a servant or slave." Gemma told her earning a head nod in response.

"Gemma?" River called out making the Queen turn around, "Do you think I should move back?"

"We'd all love it if you moved back, baby. Why?" Gemma stated.

"Well, I just graduated at the top of my class and I pretty much have my pick of where I want to work. I haven't settled on anything yet." River stated, "I love my life back in Baltimore. I've got some really great friends. I love my apartment and neighborhood. But coming back to Charming makes me realize what all I really missed about this place. Good and bad."

"I think you should. Bobby would love it and so would the rest of us. And you know your skills would be very useful to the club." Gemma told her, "Give it some thought, ok?"

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