Chapter 3

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"Keep this between us for now. I'm telling Bobby so he's up to speed." Tig stated earning a head nod from the IO.

River was walking back into the clubhouse as the SAA was walking out.

"We're going to keep you safe, Doll. Don't forget that." Tig stated before kissing her forehead.

"Thanks, Tiggy." She replied before walking on into the clubhouse.

Tig walked over to Bobby who was on the phone with Jax. The SAA rested his hands on his hips as he awaited to speak to the FO. Once Bobby was off the phone, he turned to see Tig standing there.

"What did Juice find out?"

"The day she split from Baltimore, he emptied two separate bank accounts. There's been no transactions on his card since then." Tig told him.

"Shit. If he's using cash, we'll never be able to track him." Bobby ran his hand over his beard.

River watched from the doorway to the clubhouse. She'd seen Bobby do that before. It was a sign he was worried. When Bobby got worried, nothing good was happening. He was a very mellow, level-headed person. Him worrying made her worry. What if they couldn't keep him from getting her? What would they do if he did snag her? She moved to sit back down at a table and ordered a shot of Tequila from the prospect. Jax, Chibs, and Happy soon returned from a meeting with Alvarez. After parking their bikes, Jax wanted an update.

Bobby told them everything about her going out to get some toiletries with Ratboy, the note left under her windshield wiper, to the kid emptying his accounts and using straight cash. Happy glanced towards the clubhouse wondering how much she knew. Bobby said they were going to stay at his house that night. Jax told him to call any of them if they had any problems. He'd call for a lockdown if it was needed earning a head nod from Bobby. The FO said he'd given her a burner phone and had her toss her phone away in case he had her number or was tracking her phone. Not that it had done much good since he was already in Charming.

Happy walked into the clubhouse and found her sitting by herself having a few shots of Tequila. His lips upturned remembering her eighteenth birthday. She was bound and determined to get trashed and most of his brothers were more than happy to do shots with her. Bobby had warned her about it but she hadn't listened. She was a fun drunk, he remembered. Singing loudly to the radio, dancing around with the 'ol ladies, making jokes, always smiling. Her eyes and her smile were her best features Happy thought as he looked at her staring off into space. He walked over and had a seat with her.

"Give me your burner." He commanded.

She looked over at him briefly before digging it out of her pocket. In silence, she watched as he programmed his number into it then set it for speed dial one. He told her to call him if anything happened while she was staying with Bobby. She promised him she would as she sat there looking at him. He gave a slight smile as he looked over at her before looking away and putting his "stone cold killer" face back on. From the time she'd hit eighteen, he'd seen her differently. Tig still saw her as just Bobby's kid. Happy saw her as a grown woman. A beautiful, grown woman. He just didn't know how to approach his brother about what he wanted.

After the shop closed down for the day, Bobby had River follow him to his house. She was excited to get to stay with her Pops again. He had always been a good cook and she missed his cooking, and Gemma's, while she was away. Getting to spend some time with him would do her some good, she thought. She took her bags and followed him to the door, looking around as he opened up the door, then followed him inside. He showed her which room she could crash in so she threw her bags on the bed then followed him back out into his living room. He'd get started on dinner in a little while.

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