Chapter 8

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Chibs gave her a wide smile as everyone began to settle after dinner. The mysterious glint in his eye made her smile. "Up for a game, lass?" he inquired making her laugh and tell him to prepare to get his Scottish ass whipped. He just laughed and pointed towards the table. Happy moved his chair around so he could watch the game from where he was sitting. Quinn turned his chair around as well before asking who'd taught her to play pool. Happy pointed to the Scotsman earning a head nod in return.

She was starting to relax at the clubhouse and all thoughts of her stalker were at the back of her mind as she played pool against Chibs. Tig sat down on the couch near the table to watch the game hoping to play the winner. Happy had to smile inwardly at the friendly trash-talking between his brother and River. She had picked up all sorts of their bad habits as she grew up but it was something he loved about her. She wasn't intimidated easily even if she were scared of the nutjob who was stalking her. He eyed her ass as she bent over the table to take a shot and had to scoot around in his chair to hide his growing problem. She was definitely all woman these days and not the little girl Bobby still saw her as.

River won making Chibs tell her that he'd let her win since it was her first time home in several years. "Yeah right, old man. You're just getting rusty!" she shot back making several guys laugh. Chibs just laughed too as he went to hug her. Tig asked to play the winner making River smirk at him. Chibs handed off his stick and took up the SAA's spot on the couch to watch the game. More friendly trash-talking from both sides which amused several people. Happy was more than content to sit and watch her play pool. She was good at it and he got some nice angles when she bent over the table to aim.

She was at the far end ofthe table bent over it aiming her shot. Tig had turned to talk to someone soshe looked up and caught Happy staring at her. She winked at him before turningher attention back to her shot. Smirking when she sunk two of her balls, shewalked around the table to take another shot. His eyes trailed her body,landing on her ass once more, as all manner of naughty thoughts began plaguinghis mind. What her lips would feel like against his. What her body would feellike pressed against his. What she tasted like. What she would feel like moldedaround him. The sound of her moaning out his name. He scooted around in hischair once more to hide his problem before taking a swig of the fresh beer theprospect had brought him.

She finally beat Tig who walked over and draped an arm around her shoulders before telling her what a good game it had been. Quinn wanted a turn at playing so the SAA handed the stick off to the long-haired biker. Tig sat down next to Chibs on the couch to watch this game. Having won two games in a row made River slightly cocky bringing a slight smile to Happy's face. Since she wasn't as familiar with Quinn as she was the other members, she didn't trash talk him like she did Chibs and Tig. The game was exciting and Quinn won by one ball. She conceded the win gracefully before handing her stick off to Tig who'd claimed playing the winner. She moved to sit down with Happy and gave him a smile as she did before turning her attention to the pool game.

Around midnight, River began yawning. She'd had fun playing pool with the guys and watching their games. After bidding everyone a good night, she headed to her dorm room to get settled for the night. Changing into her pj's, she laid down and tried to get settled for bed. As she laid there, she began to fantasize about Happy. What his lips would feel like on hers. What his hands would feel like caressing her body. That deep, sexy voice growling in her ear. She sighed figuring he'd always see her as her Pops' kid like everyone else did. After a while of tossing and turning, she finally drifted off to sleep.

She woke up and felt strange. Her wrists were tied together and her arms were above her head. She couldn't move them but maybe an inch or two. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she realized he was sitting on her legs waiting for her to notice him. He smiled sadistically at her as her eyes widened. She tried to scream, to call out for Happy or Tig but there was a gag in her mouth muffling her sounds. He laughed at her efforts before leaning down and telling her how much he'd missed her. She looked around hoping to find out how he'd gotten into her locked room.

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