splinter in my shoe - minsung

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The eight boys were getting ready for their night out, having booked a table at a nice restaurant.

Everyone was doing their own thing, taking a shower one after another and getting dressed afterwards.

Jisung had already showered, he was one of the first ones to go shower, afterwards picking out his outfit and just waiting for Minho to eventually come out of the shower too.

When said boy did, Jisung stared.

Minho was only wearing boxers, hair wet and dripping onto his shoulders as he met Jisung's stare with a smirk.

"Like what you're seeing, baby?" He sang, giving Jisung a quick peck before heading to the wardrobe and picking out his outfit.

Jisung didn't move, he just stared in shock, quite surely feeling himself heat up.

"We still.. have a bit of time until we have to leave, you know?" Jisung said quietly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Minho turned around with a smirk and pulled up an eyebrow.

"What is my boy thinking of doing?"

Jisung looked down, ears heating up as he quickly shook his head and went back to putting on the outfit he had chosen.

"Nothing, never mind."

The older just let out a small chuckle before putting his attention back to his clothes.

Now everyone was putting on their shoes, finally ready to leave the apartment.

All the boys had already left for the car and Minho was waiting for Jisung to finally tie his shoelaces.

When he did, they both walked towards the door, Minho suddenly stopping and walking back to sit on the stairs.

"Wait a second, I think I have something in my shoe, a splinter or something."

Jisung hummed and watched as Minho took off his shoe, looking to the ground with a concentrated expression while searching for the splinter in his shoe.

When Minho practically stuck two of his fingers into the shoe, pressing them up to the top of it so he could find the potential splinter, Jisung's eyes widened and he stared in shock, body once again becoming hot.

It looked an awful lot like Minho was fingering a shoe, pressing his fingers to the top and searching for the splinter.

"Ah, I found it," Minho looked up at Jisung with a grin, the wink he sent Jisung not doing the younger any favours.

Jisung just continued watching as he picked the splinter out, flicking it into the trash and then quickly putting his shoe back on.

He jumped up, clasping his hands together and looking at Jisung who had so much lust in his eyes.

That did go unnoticed by Minho though, said man probably completely oblivious to the thoughts lingering in his boyfriend's mind.

"Let's get to the car, the others are probably already annoyed we're taking so long."

The boys were led to their table and handed their menus each, all sitting down and immediately looking through the menu, occasionally chatting away with the person next to them.

Minho was talking to Chan about what he would recommend, him and Jisung being the only ones who were at that restaurant before.

Jisung already knew what he was taking, so he had time to wander off in his own small little world, thinking about some sinful things while practically starting holes into Minho.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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