•{palm trees}•

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•{palm trees}•

Alex's monologue.

Welp, school has officially started. Great, another thing to add to the problem list. I look up at the sky, it's so beautiful. Everything about this place is amazing. The sights are breathtaking, the beaches are romantic... I know this because when we first got here, John took me on a date. How cliche, I know. But, it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. 

John is a wonderful human being. As for me, not so much. Let's just say I'm a puzzle that's missing the final piece. Kind of sad if you think about it, never being complete. But, I've grown used to it. It feels like I don't have control over my life. I'm just made to follow the sequence, never do anything out of the ordinary. It's like I'm being controlled. I could disobey orders and do what ever the hell I wanted to but my mind won't let me. It's like a mental cage, to be honest.  The only thing I can control is my weight. More specifically, my eating habits. Hence why I purge. I'm not worried about being fat, it's more of a subconscious thing. That rush I get from finally being in control. I also run. Running makes my problems dissolve. But, like a drug... There's a downside. After I finish my run, the problems come rushing back to me. That's why I go on such long walks. Now, bulimia and running very long distances everyday isn't the best decision for my health. Hell, add cutting to that list too! My heart's liability to give out grows stronger every time I go for a jog. Today, when I ran up the stares, I almost passed out. This...isn't healthy. But, it's the only coping mechanism that works. I just need to hide it, till it fades. If it ever fades...

*POV set to third person by yours truly xx - name this sloth anything you'd like. he will be bringing you POV changes now! 🦥

Alex has been running around campus for about an hour. John is in their dorm room, watching T.V. on his laptop. He was watching the last episode of 'The Owl House' left on a cliffhanger, leaving John a groaning mess.

"God, I bet Alex would have already predicted the next season by now." John laughed to himself and pulled out his phone.

dumbassturtlelover🐢: just finished the owl house. this show makes me miss gravity falls dont know why tho

38 minutes ago. 

"Come on Alex... Answer your damn phone." John groaned as he stared at the bright screen.

grammarexists🙄: oops, sorry I missed your text. by the way, i've decided I am going to still use punctuation, just not capitalize anything. 

John chuckled to himself. Only Alex would put so much thought into the way he sent a text.

dumbassturtlelover🐢: lol so what have u been doing

grammarexists🙄: running. have you gotten your fat ass up and done anything? look at me being healthy. hah! you should be jealous. correction, you ARE jealous!

dumbassturtlelover🐢: you've been running for an hour?????

grammarexists🙄: oops. 

dumbassturtlelover🐢: come backkk I wanna snuggleeeeeee 😭😭

grammarexists🙄 changed their name to alex.the.sloth🦥

alex.the.sloth🦥: fine.

dumbassturtlelover🐢: ur obsessed with sloths 

alex.the.sloth🦥: your obsessed with turtles.

dumbassturtlelover🐢: I like birds too 😢

dumbassturtlelover🐢 changed their name to i.like.birds.too🦜

alex.the.sloth🦥: woah there buster, don't get defensive 😒

i.like.birds.too🦜: lol come back 🥺🥺

alex.the.sloth🦥: okay, okay. coming now. jeezzzz

i.like.birds.too🦜: ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

alex.the.sloth🦥: why did you feel the need to do that? 

i.like.birds.too🦜: 🤷‍♂️

i.like.birds.too🦜: while i'm waiting for u too get home what is ur recent emojis 

alex.the.sloth🦥: 🖕🦥😐😬👀🦇🦟🥡

i.like.birds.too🦜: wouldn't expect anything else sweetheart 


alex.the.sloth🦥: stop being cute and join the weird side.

alex.the.sloth🦥: btw I'm here

I.like.birds.too🦜: yayyyyy!

Read at 6:07 P.M.

John heard the door open and low and behold, it was Alex. "Hey, babe!" John said excitedly and moved over so Alex could lay down too. "John, I have to take a shower." Alex groaned. "Just put on some cologne, and you'll be fine!!" John said, now sitting on the bed instead of laying. "John." The shorter man said sternly. "Shiver me timber's, I'm so frightened of my boyfriend who is five foot seven. Oh golly gee, what ever will if do?" John teased, getting up to go drag Alex into bed. "I can, and will dropkick you." Alex deadpanned. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm taking a shower." Alex said, turning around to walk into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. "Can I join?" John smirked. Alex blushed and fumbled over his words as he managed to spit out a , "S-Shut up". "Don't be such a bottom~" John said, taking Alex into his arms and cradling him. "I'm taking a shower, and no, you aren't joining." Alex said as he took himself out of John's arms and closed the door.


Alex emerged from the bathroom, already in his night clothes, and laid next to John, who immediately wrapped him in his arms. "I love you too, you dork." Alex said, while grabbing his laptop so he and John could rewatch Gravity Falls. After he got everything set up John started to ramble. "Ya know, 'The Owl House' gives me 'Gravity Falls' vibes. Weird, right?" John said as he started to play with Alex's hair. "That's cuz' Alex Hirsch works on it with his girlfriend, Dana Terrace." Alex said as John made a confused face. "Who's Alex Hirsch?" John asked as Alex did a fake gasp. "How DARE you! He is our lord and savior!" Alex said with extra sass in his tone. "So, he's the creator of the show?" Alex shot John a dirty look then said, "No shit, Sherlock." Then turned back into John's chest and rested his eyes. In Alex's final states of consciousness he heard John say, "I love you."

So, like bad? Good? Can I throw smut in? IDK, someone needs to help me. Anyways I'm going to post another chapter to make up for my 3 day absence. Oof 

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