chapter fifteen: Frozen Tundra

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"A friend is someone who helps you up when you're down, and if they can't, they lay down beside you and listen."
~ Winnie The Pooh

"I hate snow," I said.

"We know," Loki muttered.

"This is your fault," I grumbled. "I was perfectly content to practice in the range, but no, you managed to convince Thor to come to this land of snow."

Loki was about to respond when Volstagg almost fell off of an ice cliff. Thor quickly caught him and hauled him back up. "Come on, big fella. Up!" 

"This belt! This belt is now my lucky belt! I will never remove it!" Volstagg said loudly. "Even when bathing!"

"Too much information," I told him as I made a face. 

"You bathe?" Fandral asked, and I smacked him. "Stop hitting me!"

"Stop being stupid," I said, but I looked at Loki as I said it, he just rolled his eyes as we looked around at the frozen wasteland. "You just had to pick a fight with the world that is not only covered in snow, but with icicles of death." 

"We shouldn't be here," Hogun said.

"Too late now," Thor replied. 

"Actually, it's not. We could turn right around, hop back to Asgard, share a mug by the fire. Could be nice," Fandral offered.

"For once, I agree with pretty boy here," I said. Thor ignored us, and I rolled my eyes as we followed closely behind. 

"Perhaps we should wait," Loki suggested. 

"For what?" Thor demanded. 

"To survey the enemy," Loki said. 

"To gauge their strengths and weaknesses from a distance," I concluded as I crossed my arms. "Perhaps we won't be squashed by giants if we stop, look around, and actually plan." 

"I'm liking that. Gauging, surveying. Particularly the distance part," Volstagg said. 

"We know all we must. It's time to act," Thor said.

"That didn't even make sense," I muttered as we walked into what looked to be the palace of Jotunheim. 

"Where are they?" Sif asked as I looked around nervously. 

"Watching us," I said as I pulled out an arrow and used it to look behind me. Sure enough, there were several Frost Giants near the ceiling. 

"Hiding, as cowards always do," Thor said.

"Did you not just hear what I said?" I demanded as I put the arrow back.

"You've come a long way to die, Asgardians," a voice said, that I could only assume was Laufey.

"I am Thor Odinson!" Thor shouted.

"I think your loud personality and hair gave you away," I muttered.

"We know who you are," Laufey drawled, he sounded quite a bit like Loki, actually. 

"How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor asked.

"The House of Odin is full of traitors," Laufey answered, I could feel Loki stiffen next to me and I turned to glare at him.  

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!" Thor shouted. 

I nudged Loki's side, hard. "What did you do?!" I hissed angrily. 

"Nothing!" Loki hissed back.

Emma Joan TallisWhere stories live. Discover now