chapter twenty-eight: Pictured Differently

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"There are some people who fall short in the being thoughtful department. They aren't being malicious but they certainly tap dance on people's last nerves with their shenanigans. These are the people who are perpetually late, take advantage of their friends in various ways, and children. We know them and we love them and we keep them in our lives but we sometimes wish that they would get their shit together."
~ Luvvie Ajayi


"When I said I wanted to have someone with me in England, this wasn't what I was picturing," I grumbled to myself. 

"What was that, Lady Emiliana?" Thor asked.

I glared at him, "nothing."

"Doesn't sound like nothing," Darcy said.

I glared at Jane, "I almost got to go home. Figure out my life, and then she just had to do something stupid."

"I have a care for how you speak," Thor said defensively. 

"I don't care," I said flatly. "Though that slap, I'm going to dream of that."

"Thank you?" Jane asked, obviously not sure if she should take the compliment since I obviously just insulted her. In my defense, I was supposed to get on my plane two hours ago, but Jane just had to go missing and panic her friends. 

"Where were you?!" Jane demanded of Thor as she slapped him again.

"I'm beginning to like you," I said moodily. 

"Where were you?" Thor retaliated. "Heimdall could not see you."

"I was right here where you left me. I was waiting and then I was crying and then I went out looking for you," Jane said, surprisingly not as pathetic as I thought. "You said you were coming back." 

"I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed," Thor said. "The Nine Realms erupted into chaos, wars were raging, marauding hordes were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter." 

"As excuses go, that's not terrible," Jane said begrudgingly. "But I saw you on TV, you were-you were in New York! And she didn't go back to Asgard!" Jane added as she pointed a finger at me.

"Try being separated for over fifty years and then come back with a sob story," I said flatly. 

Jane turned on Thor again, raising a hand I, hopefully, assume to slap Thor. "Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world, but I was wrong, I was a fool. I believe that fate brought us together. Jane, I don't know where you were or what happened, but I do know this."

"You always knew how to charm the women," I muttered.

"Shut up," Thor hissed. 

"What?" Jane asked. 

"I know..." Thor began again. 

"You do?" Jane asked. 

"Do what?" Thor asked as they leaned closer. 

"Oh, for the love of!" I exclaimed as Darcy ran up and gestured at the lack of rain falling on Jane and Thor. "You two can make out later!"

"Hey! Is that you?" Darcy asked nobody in particular. 

"Uh, we're kind of in the middle of something," Jane said. 

"Um, I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested," Darcy said.

"No, we're not," I said. 

"Hold that thought," Jane told Thor as she walked away to talk with the police.

Emma Joan TallisWhere stories live. Discover now