Chapter Twelve - New Friends and Old Secrets

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876AD, Corfe Castel, Corféham, Dorsetshire, England

Aely walked the halls of Corfe Castel with a weariness that comes from so many changes. She was bone tired. It didna help that the voices had begun to permeate her resolve to keep them out on a limited basis. She could hear the cook thinking about the bread baking or what to make for dinner. E’en Lord Edgard’s thoughts were unsettling. In the first week since her arrival, the ice around his heart began to melt at a steady pace.

A new presence in the castel came with thoughts of excitement when a young girl’s giddy glad heart entered its confines. For some reason, it lifted Aely’s wavering spirits. She wanted to meet the owner of such a mind. Heading to the hall, she picked up her feet with a lighter step and less weight upon her shoulders.

She passed the formal dining hall on her right with barely a glance, so great was her eagerness. The room normally held a bit of awe and admiration for her. The table was large and of such a dark wood that it almost glowed with its lacquer surface and combined with the illumination cast by a large candelabra above it in the center. The red velvet drapes covered windows of a strange colored glass. There was a large thistle pictured in the window at the head of the monstrous table, and each of the others had leaping harts. There were many beautiful variations that sent patterns on the walls in the daylight hours.

The corridor opened up and the giant entryway came into view. Just inside the door, there was a young girl of thirteen or fourteen summers in the process of removing her cloak and wimple. Glorious blonde curls spilled out and shimmered in the soft light provided by several sconces set into the wall every few feet. A central circular candelabrum was chained high above the stone floor, and sometimes Aely would imagine ‘twas sunlight that brightened the room.

The sound must have alerted the girl because she turned her way. Their eyes met; emerald green into sparkling, sapphire blue. Aely’s heart almost stopped, so excited did she feel. She couldna believe what her heart was telling her. Visions flooded her mind, taunting one moment and joyous the next. Then, the girl smiled at her; Aely couldna help but to return the gesture.

There in front of her, was someone who knew and understood. Aye, her eyes smiled, but ‘twas more. Her heart smiled, her very spirit soared, and forced Aely’s to do the same. She felt Gabriel, before she saw him. He stood between them with a smile on his face. Aely looked to him and then to her. The child’s eyes didna meet hers. They were too busy gazing adoringly at Gabriel. ‘She could see him too!’ thought Aely, astonished at the turn of events.

Afore she knew what was happening, she was in the girl’s arms. “My name is Minabael, milady. I have come to serve ye,” the girl stated softly as she drew away, “but ye can call me Mina, if ye like.”

“’Tis a beautiful name, child. I am Lady Aelswyn. Welcome to Corfe Castel.” Turning to the man who had charge of the household and all its servants, she said, “Please, show her to her chambers, Raegnold. I will find Lady Adaera and meet you there.”

The spry old man bobbed his head. “Aye, milady, ‘twill be as ye say. Come this way, Lady Minabael.”

Aely gave the young girl a bright smile and clasped her hands warmly afore going in search of her sister-in-law. She filtered out all the voices until only Adaera’s was left. She was in the great hall, and Aely headed that way wi’ a spring in her step. As she passed the beautifully appointed rooms of Corfe, she noticed none. Her mind was whirling wi’ anticipation. The young girl knew her spirit as surely as Aely knew Minabael’s. ‘Twould be an interesting friendship, she was certain.

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