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"Holy shit, how long are you going to sit there and stare at that photo?" Lucy asked, clearly on the verge of getting annoyed.

"However long it takes for him to magically appear in front of me at this very moment," (y/n) replies, sarcasm dripping from her voice, still with just the slightest bit of hope.

"I don't wanna call you desperate but uh," Lucy trails off after receiving a glare from (y/n).

Rosie snickers from across the room. "I don't know, I would certainly appreciate it if (y/n) could get him here."

"Thank you Rose," (y/n) replies, a small smirk on her face as she gives Lucy a look of victory.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Lucy says with a slight huff.

The three of them were sitting in (y/n)'s room, it was a late night and they were going to bed soon. (y/n) was going through her camera roll while projecting it onto the wall in front of them. She finally moved on from the picture of Karl Jacobs that had been on the wall for the past minute or so. The girls continued to giggle at stupid memes and unflattering images that came up before finally going to bed.

In the morning, Lucy was making pancakes while (y/n) sat at the kitchen island and Rosie set the table.

"So, you can punch me all you want, but uh, do you legit want to meet Karl someday?" Lucy asked out of the blue, directing her attention to (y/n) momentarily.

(y/n) looked a little caught off guard as she put her phone down and met Lucy's eyes. "Well, yeah, it'd be really neat. No idea how it would happen though," She responds with a questioning tone. "Any reason why you ask?"

"Ah not really. I was just curious. You talk about him a bit, that's all." (y/n) hums still a little confused but satisfied with the answer. Lucy gets done cooking the pancakes and places them on the center of the table. (y/n) and Rosie sit down and they begin to eat.


They finish eating and as per usual, Rosie proceeds to clean up even with the protests of the collective (y/n)s. It's a typical Saturday for the three of them. (y/n) and Rosie get dressed and situated for the day. They bid their farewell to Lucy as they leave to go to work. Due to Lucy's occupation, she is the only one with a day off on Saturdays. She uses this time to get some basic housework done and typically cooks dinner for everyone. Although, today is slightly different.

"Okay," Lucy says to herself as she goes to her computer. "I have to get this right."

She looks up the make-a-wish phone number and decides that what she is about to do is utterly insane. She does it anyway.

"Hello!" A woman with the sweetest voice picks up the line. Lucy almost feels bad for what she's about to do. Almost.

"Hi, this is a really strange request and I apologize." Lucy starts, she swears she hears the woman on the line sigh but she ignores it. "My friend works so hard daily and I really want to do something special for her and I have no idea how else to get this done."

"I'm confused, you do know what our company is for right?"

"Yes, and I absolutely adore what you do, but is there any way you can help me? I'm a little bit desperate if you couldn't tell," Lucy silently face-palms, she decides this is the dumbest thing she has ever done.

"You know what, we can try and do something on the downlow," Lucy almost drops her phone in surprise.

"Please, what do I have to do?" Lucy questions.

"I need you to write down this number."


The woman gives Lucy her phone number and they form a small plan. The plan seems simple enough. The woman, whose name is discovered to be Amanda, will continue with the typical procedure for making wishes happen. Once she gets in contact with Karl, she will let him know the situation, once it gets to Karl it's all up to whether or not he goes through with it or not.

Lucy tells (y/n) and Rosie nothing of this plan, no need to get (y/n)'s hopes up if it won't end up happening.

A week goes by before she receives a message from Amanda stating that she has finally gained personal contact with Karl. Another couple days before Lucy gets a phone call, the phone call that determines it all.

"Hello?" Lucy picks up the phone, clear nervousness flowing out of her voice.

"Lucy! He said he'll do it!" Amanda exclaims through the phone.

Lucy freezes for a second, comprehending what's happening. "What!?" She yells back.

"Yeah! He said it sounds really fun and that he would love to!" Amanda responds.

"Holy shit," Lucy says, still unbelieving.

"I'm going to make a group chat so we can work out the details, you want this to be a surprise, yes?"

"Oh yeah, definitely."

Amanda and Lucy get to planning with Karl. They settle a date and everything is ready to go. There are only three days until Karl will show up on the doorstep of Lucy, Rosie, and (y/n)'s house.

Lucy wakes up, still in disbelief of what's to come. She walks downstairs to (y/n) and Rosie. (y/n) had decided to cook today and Rosie was once again setting the table.

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