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'hello :]' (y/n) smiles sweetly at the notification.


'so, is it almost time for "next time"?' Her smile becomes impossibly larger.

'i think so, as long as you don't ditch after one day like last time' She responds snickering.

'hey >:('

'you know I was busy'

'i know, i know, i was just teasing'

'but actually, you wanna set something up?' (y/n) messages hopeful.

'of course! i wouldn't have said something if i wasn't serious'

'okay, lemme talk to my roommates to see if they're alright with it'

'of course, get back to me whenever :]'

(y/n) chucks her phone into her back pocket and practically scrambles down the stairs.

"Lucy!! Rose!!" She catches their attention immediately, the two of them turning from the couch to look at her.

"What's up?" Rosie is the first to respond. Lucy hums back equally confused.

"Karl just texted me."

"What's new?" Lucy says sarcastically.

"Fuck off," (y/n) continues, "He said he wants to come back to visit!"

"Ooooo yay!" Rosie says, clearly over the moon for her friend.

"Holy shit, that's so cool! When's he coming?" Lucy asks.

"That's what I was coming to ask you guys, when could he come over?"

"Well I want to make the house just a little bit nicer, but the drive is kinda long, so whenever is fine," Rosie says, a relaxed smile crosses her face.

"Okay, I'll let him know," (y/n) scurries back upstairs quickly. She tugs her phone back out eager to let him know.

'they said literally whenever is good'

'yo! i need a day or two to pack and get ready to leave, so how about uhhh... wednesday? and i'll just leave that morning?'

'sounds amazing! wednesday it is!' (y/n) sighs happily. It's a serious mood boost she didn't realize she needed. It's been about a month since the last time he was here.

'wait!' she texted him quickly.

'what's wrong?'

'how long are you staying?'

'oh! i was thinking a week?"

'is that alright...?'

'duh, i was just checking lmao'

'okay cool, i'll see you wednesday, i gotta pack, talk soon!!'

'talk soon! :)'

Holy shit- a week? (y/n) certainly was excited but a little unprepared to say the least. She looked around.

"Damn. I better clean," she said to no one.


"(y/n)!" Lucy called from downstairs.

"Yeah?!" (y/n) called back.

"Can you come help me with breakfast, Rosie had to go to the store!" (y/n) grumbled to herself, annoyed that she was woken up just to make breakfast that Lucy was definitely capable of doing herself. She went to help nonetheless.

Once downstairs, (y/n) grabbed dishes to set the table and then went to make some toast to go with the other breakfast that Lucy was preparing. She plated the food and placed it on the table, then grabbed some water for the two of them and sat down.

"So..." Lucy briefly cut off, "I don't want to sound like a mom, especially being the youngest in this house but uh... do you and Karl have a... y'know... a thing going on?"

"You do know it's not weird to ask your friends about relationships right?" (y/n) says with a teasing smile.

"Well yeah, I really just don't want to make you uncomfortable," Lucy responds with a dumb giggle releasing all visible tension.

"Well, to answer your question, no. But I mean, we were like lowkey flirting last time and have been over text. I'm just waiting for him to just y'know, do something," (y/n) says, a small laugh slipping from her lips. Lucy responded with a loud wheeze.

"I'm sure he'll do something, he very clearly likes you. He wouldn't have come back if he didn't."

"Well duh, I'm not dumb. Didn't you hear when I said 'I'm waiting for him to do something'?"

"Of course I heard, this is why I prefaced saying I didn't want to sound like a mom, I always do this," Lucy wheezed yet again. (y/n) laughed at her.

The two finished their breakfast just as Rosie had returned from the store. All three of them got ready for work and said their goodbyes before splitting off for the day.

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