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"Hi!" Karl says back. "You're (y/n) right?" (y/n) looks back at Lucy mouthing 'is this real?' Lucy nods excitedly and does a small wavy motion to get her to get back to Karl.

"Yeah, sorry I'm just really nervous."

"Don't be! Do you want a hug?" Karl says, opening his arms with a huge smile and squinty eyes. (y/n) steps forward and wraps her arms around his upper back. Karl leans down slightly, placing his hands at the small of her back. They stay like that for a couple seconds before both pull away.

"Come in?" (y/n) says half questioning her statement. He double checks his car is locked, once he hears a beep he turns around and steps in with a small thank you. Karl has a decent sized duffle bag in one hand. He looks over to Lucy silently asking where to put his stuff. Lucy leads him to the guest room leaving just (y/n) and Rosie.

"Did you know about this?!" (y/n) asks Rosie.

Rosie gives a curt nod. "Found out only a couple days ago. It's been so hard to not tell you."

"I can't fucking believe this. Wait. This is why she asked me if I really wanted to meet him!?"

"I guess so!" Rosie gives a small shrug. "I wouldn't dwell on it until after he leaves, I'm sure Lucy wants you to enjoy every second." (y/n) slowly nods.

Lucy and Karl round the corner, small chatter coming from the two. "Okay!" Lucy says. "Karl will be staying for, what did we say?"

"Just a day, I'll stay the night and then I leave. I would stay longer but I'm pretty busy and this literally barely worked," he says with a bright smile.

"Right! One day, okay, I had a couple ideas of what to do. There's not much, but I don't want this to be boring." Karl steps away from Lucy and sneakily makes his way next to (y/n). "Okay so, I checked times for everything, we can either watch two movies, watch one movie and go ice skating, or one movie and mini golf. It's really up to you."

Rosie goes to stand next to Lucy and watches as Karl and (y/n) make eye contact. (y/n) looks startled and Karl just grins.

"What do you want to do?" Karl asks (y/n).

She contemplates this for a second. On one hand, ice skating is just more fun, but mini golf gives more time for talking. But ice skating could give more chances for hand brushes, maybe even holding.

"Mini golf and a movie." (y/n) says with a smile.

"Mini golf it is!" Lucy says. "Let me pack some stuff and I'll be ready to go. Ten minutes max. Rosie, can you come with me?"


(y/n) turns to look at Karl again. They stand there for a moment not saying anything. It was comfortable as they looked into each other's eyes. (y/n) decides to speak up.

"Did you drive here?"

"Yeah, it was only a couple hours which was nice."

"That's good. So, how did Lucy get you here?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to say." Karl smirks with a small giggle.

"Did she bribe you or some shit?" (y/n) gets much, much quieter, "are you being held captive or something?"

Karl lets out another chuckle. "I won't say how exactly, but I'm here because I want to be."

(y/n) raises an eyebrow. "I see, let's hope you don't regret that."

They fall into a comfortable silence again just staring at each other.

The silence is short lived as Lucy and Rosie return. "Alright!, let's get going!" Lucy says as she grabs her keys and leaves for the door.

They all pile into Lucy's car. It's a little small, only four seats. Rosie takes the passenger seat, leaving (y/n) and Karl in the back. With the tight squeeze, their thighs are pressed against each other. Karl seems unbothered and leans back in his chair. The ride to the mini golf course is pretty short. They arrive and walk over to the small shack containing all of the equipment. Lucy hands everything over to the other group members and pays. She catches up to the other three.

"Okay, I think me and Rosie are going to grab a smoothie really quickly and we'll start right after you two." She smiles knowingly at Rosie and they walk off.

"Wow, they really like to ditch us huh?" (y/n) looks at Karl.

"Seems like it. Oh well, they're just missing out," he shrugs with a content smile. "Let's get started!"


"How? Like actually how?" (y/n) asks. They're on their sixth hole and Karl has just received his third hole in one.

"I just really like mini golf. My brother and I played super competitively every time we went on vacation."

"I really just don't understand." (y/n) says with a slight huff. She's by no means upset, she just wants to get a score below seven for at least one hole.

"I can try and help you if you want?" Karl says looking her way. "If you would like my help that is."

"Sure," (y/n) says with a grateful smile.

Karl puts his club down and walks over to her. "Wait, hold it like you have been." (y/n) positions her hands the way they had been before. "No wonder you suck!" Karl lets out a loud giggle.

(y/n) gives him a slightly pouty face. "Stop laughing, just help me you doofus." Karl complies and reaches out for the club which she hands over.

"Like this," Karl places his hands on the club. He hands it back to (y/n), who once again holds it wrong. Karl bursts out laughing. "Here," he says between giggles.

Karl steps behind her and slightly to the side leaning over her, grabbing her hands. He places them in the right spot. "See?"

(y/n)'s face flushes. "Uh, yeah," she stutters out.

"Oh! For swinging," he lets go and places the golf ball down in front of the club before returning to his previous position. "You just steadily," he pushes the club forward and the golf ball rolls down pretty close to the hole. "See! Already some improvement!"

"Yeah! Definitely," (y/n) certainly sees improvement, but not in mini golf per se.

They continue on until the course is finished. Karl's 'lessons' happened more than once and (y/n) was not complaining. The two of them went to grab a smoothie while they waited for Lucy and Rosie to finish their game.

"I'm having a lot of fun, I'm really glad I came," Karl says before returning to his smoothie.

"I'm really glad too," (y/n) says back, a warm smile graces her face. She hopes this isn't the only time.

"What movie do you think we're going to watch?"

"Not sure, Lucy watches the most random things," (y/n) pauses. "Although, she'll probably have us pick, want to check the website in case she does?"


(y/n) and Karl continue to wait for Lucy and Rosie and 'fight' over which movie would be best to watch. They settle for the live action Tom and Jerry as soon as Lucy and Rosie approach them.

"Hello!" Rosie is the first to greet them.

"Hi," Karl says back.

"Are you two ready for the movies?" Lucy asks. Both of them nod in return. "Awesome! I was thinking we could watch the new Tom and Jerry?"

(y/n) and Karl sneak a quick smirk at each other.

"Sounds good to me," (y/n) says, holding back a laugh. Lucy quirks her eyebrow but ignores it nonetheless.

"Let's get going then!" Lucy says unbothered.

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