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(y/n) awakens to a ray of light falling into her eyes. She's reminded of her situation when an arm shifted down to her hip. She turns around and looks up slightly and sees him gazing at her, his hand unmoving.

"So, why'd you stay here, I don't remember inviting you," it sounds harsh, but her smile says otherwise.

"Not really sure, just thought you'd miss me."

"Mmm I think you're right," she leans into him, taking a deep breath in and sighing contently.

"So," Karl begins quietly, "any ideas for what we're going to do today?"

"God if I know, all I know is that we're going somewhere. Alone."

"Works for me," Karl chuckles, his voice still slightly raspy from the early morning.

"We should probably get up right?" Karl asks sweetly.

"Absolutely not."


The four gather together for breakfast, once done they split off to do their own things. Lucy and Rosie head off to work while Karl and (y/n) giggle their way up the stairs to get ready for their day.

Once settled and ready to go, they hop into Karl's car.

"So where exactly are you taking me? If I didn't know better I would say you're kidnapping me," (y/n) says deadpanned, the sarcasm still leaking through her lips.

"Shhhh, I looked up a couple spots. It's supposed to be a surprise."

"Uh huh, okay, I trust you."



"I take it back," (y/n) says as they pull into a parking space.

"Take what back?" Karl asks, clearly confuzzled.

"I don't think I can trust you."

"Please, that's just not true."

"Okay whatever," (y/n) releases a huff.

She looks up at the worn down bowling alley they stand in front of. Hoping the inside doesn't look like how the outside smells. She passes a small concerned glance to Karl, but follows him anyway.

The inside is surprisingly nice, even with the Christmas decorations still present in the middle of summer. The place is surprisingly full with only a couple rows open. Don't even get her started on the smells of fries wafting from the kitchen.

"So? Did I do good?" Karl asks, the sincerity of the question nearly melts (y/n).

"I would say so, let's hope you can top it for tomorrow." she teases.

The pair get their shoes from the counter and continue on to the nearest alley.

"I don't think you're ready, I am a pro at bowling," Karl's head is held high as he puffs his chest out.

"So this is why you chose bowling, trying to impress me," (y/n) hums teasingly.

"You wish," Karl's giggle echoes throughout the building. (y/n) joins his laughter.


At the end of the night (y/n) had won, but barely. Both getting horrendous scores.

"What happened to Mr. Pro Bowler?"

"Whatever, we're even now, I got you in mini golf and you got me bowling."

"I'm definitely going to have to change those scores, but good enough for now!" (y/n) reaches down and starts untying her shoelaces, Karl does the same.


They arrive back in the car and decide to head home in order to spend some time alone. They don't want to risk Karl getting recognized and ruin the mood.


(y/n) unlocks the door rushing inside Karl practically shoving her into the door. The both of them burst out laughing as they fall to the floor.

"Please! What the fuck!" (y/n) yells out laughter continuing to bellow into the somewhat empty foyer.

"Did you see the-" Karl cuts off laughter making it hard to speak, "did you see the way that person just-" Karl lets out a loud wheeze.

"She actually- she just- she said-" (y/n) stutters out, "she really went 'Karl Jacobs!'" (y/n) mimics in a high, pitchy voice, immediately curling into a ball continuing her laughter.

She suddenly notices the quietness coming from next to her. Her eyes meet Karl's, they shine back at her, his smile taking up the entirety of his face. He slowly slides over to her placing either forearm next to her head and slowly leaning down to meet her.

Shocked, (y/n) wracks her brain together slowly closing her eyes. She leans up just slightly until her lips join with Karl's. His hands move to the top of her head, caressing her as if she could shatter at any second. He leans back for a second, immediately met with (y/n)'s arms behind his neck pulling him back down again. Her hands entangle with his fluffy hair pulling him impossibly closer.

He leans back, getting to his feet to help her up.

"Where did that come from?" (y/n) asks breathlessly.

"You just looked so pretty I couldn't help myself," Karl giggles softly, clearly a little nervous.

"Can we do it again?"

Without another word Karl steps forward and wraps his arms around her waist leaning in. (y/n)'s hands go up to cup his cheeks tilting her head slightly to the side.

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