Chapter 6

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A few weeks later.

Literally everyone Eve passed by at school then next day gave her some sort of weird look or stare. She supposed she couldn't blame them. She did not look good. Then again, what person DOES look good with a black eye? Or with a gash on their cheek, or a gnarly bruise on their arm? Not very many people. And since Eve had been in a hurry this morning, she'd forgotten to grab a pair of sunglasses, so her black eye was exposed to everyone.

It wasn't just in school; people on the street stared too. Eve was just glad that Chris was away and that he couldn't see her like this. He'd flip. However, Paul seemed to be getting worse lately. If this kept up, it'd be very possible for Chris to see Eve like this. Eve hoped that this wasn't the case though.

On her way home from school, Eve walked into the cemetery outside her father's church. It wasn't very big, but it was a fairly decent size. Eve shivered in the cold, and eventually found the headstone she was looking for.

Here lies Erica Anne Bennett-Lawrence. Loving daughter and mother.

Eve didn't come to visit her mother alone very often. She usually would come with Paul. Whenever Eve came alone, it was usually because she really needed someone to vent to. Even though Eve never knew her mother, she talked to her when she could.

Eve swallows, "Hi, Mom." She says, "I know it's been a while, I'm sorry. I've just been busy with school working with clients, helping Dad with the church and...with all of this other issues...I wish you were here. I know I say that every time I see you, but I do. He misses you so much, and I just think things would be different if you were here. Maybe he wouldn't be so strict. Maybe he'd be more open-minded. Maybe he wouldn't be such a damn bigot...And I wish I could have gotten to know you. And I know that if you were here, nights like the last few nights would be non-existent. I'm not sure how things work where you are - if you're even anywhere at all - but I'm betting that if you are somewhere, you already know what happened, so I don't think I need to elaborate." Eve says, tearing up.

"But I only have a school year left of it after this year, right? I can handle it...I'm doing really good in school. I love it so much, Mom. And my clientele is increasing, slowly but surely; so I'm making good money. Hopefully I'll have enough saved to get my own place after I graduate. If one thing's for sure, I'm getting out of there as soon as I can...

"I think Chris is suspcious. Hell, I know he is. I hope he doesn't find out. Although considering he's coming home tomorrow, he probably will...I hope Dad doesn't find out about Chris and me. I know that that sounds cowardly, but if he were to find out about Chris and me, there's no telling how badly he could or would punish me. I can tell you right now though, it'd be way worse than my state right now.

"Chris is just so good to me though. God, I don't even know how this whole thing with him and me even happened. One minute, we're giving each other flirty looks at Starbucks; the next, we're slow dancing to Marilyn Manson on a hill." Eve says, "Chris is a musician. He's everything Dad disproves of, which is exactly why I'd probably end up right there next to you if Dad ever found out about us..." Eve chokes out through tears.

"So then you're probably wondering why I continue to stay with Chris and keep hanging out with him if Dad would hurt me for associating myself with Chris...Well...Chris is different. He's the one person in this world that I can really be myself around; he's someone I can have a real conversation with, you know? You would love him, Mom, and I'm sure he'd love you...And if you were here, I bet we could at least get Dad to tolerate him.

"I just don't know what to do, Mom." Eve sobs, "This is seriously turning into some bullshit Romeo and Juliet story!...Or maybe Rapunzel..." Eve says before sighing, "I like Chris...I really like him, Mom, and I'm pretty sure he likes me too, but if Dad finds out, there's no telling what he'll do! And the only reason I'm even staying with Dad anymore is because he's paying for my tuition! I mean, if that weren't the situation, I'd have left him years ago. I love Dad, but...I can't be myself without getting beaten. Right now though, Dad is my ticket to the future that I've always wanted...It's just so complicated...

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