Sᴛᴇᴠᴇɴ Uɴɪᴠᴇʀsᴇ

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“Alrighty, here's a good one, though I'll have to into further explanation with this one so listen carefully.”

Some people in the crowd nodded their heads.

“So in this universe, we have our main character, Izuku. But here's the thing, Instead of Izuku's mother being..Y'know, his mother, it's actually Uraraka being his mother. It just makes more sense when it comes to that.”

‘Wow, so I've been replaced.’ Inko thought in a joking way.

“That's pretty weird..” Izuku said. This is mostly because Uraraka and Izuku have mega feelings for each other and in that world it'd be ruined because she was Izuku's mother.

“It's only a different universe, though, not in our world.”, Uraraka reassured Izuku after seeing his mood falter.

“Very interesting..”, Nezu quietly said, sipping on tea.

“Also, most of the people, except for Izuku and some others are what people would call ‘Gems’. Gems's bodies are projected and  generated by their gemstone. They're like holograms, but with mass. They would have a gem anywhere on their bodies.”

Izuku grabs his notebook that I gave back to him awhile back and starts writing what I'm saying down. (Bye he's so cute).

“Though, gems are fragile here. If they have severe injuries, they release their physical form which causes them to poof, and disappear. Their gem remains though, so it can reform later in a better form. Gems also have the power to ‘Bubble’ other gems so they don't reform. If the gem is extremely broken to the point where it's shattered, then they're considered dead, and cannot return.”

Izuku is nodding his head while finishing his sentence to the information I'm providing. “Mhm, mhm..”.

(Izukus father is going to be All might but he won't call him dad. It's just a father figure since Uraraka and All might would be weird.)

“Izuku is half human because of his Father's side, no questioned asked here.”

As I said the last part Izuku was about to open his mouth to ask but then closed it as soon as I said it.

“Whew, all of this talking.. anyways, this is appropriate for the children to nothing will have to be adjusted. Now, let's start this.”

The scene opens up to Izuku leaning on the rail of a balcony infront of a house.
He sighs, and the music starts.

“You didn't tell us this was gonna be a musical..” Jirou said as the music was qued.

“Is this girl fucking serious..” Shigaraki gruffled in the back.

“I love musicals!” Toga exclaimed as she payed attention. She loved it especially more because Izuku was the first person she saw.

“Of course you do..” Dabi said.

“Here we are in the future, here we are in the future and it's bright! Nothing to fear, no one to fight.” Izuku sung as he watched a butterfly pass by him and runs inside the house to his room.

“God, I wish..” Aizawa commented in the back, imagining what it would be like without villains but fails.

“I can't, believe, we've come so far.”, Izuku grabbed a picture of Iida, Bakugo, and Todoroki. “Happily ever after, here we are.”

“What the fuck is this version of Deku on, there's no such thing as ‘Happily ever after.’

“Come on man, be positive for once..” Kirishima whispered to Bakugo, leaning over.

ꨄ︎Bɴʜᴀ Rᴇᴀᴄᴛsꨄ︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora