More And More Trouble

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"Rick,are you finished? Clara family is going to arrive soon. Be quick my dear." Said my mother.

Why is this happening? I'm just saved my childhood friend from getting bullied.That's all.

Ding Dong~

"I guess our special guest has arrive.Oh my I can't wait." My mother immediately greet Clara family at the front.What the use of the butler mom???

There she is. Clara. Wearing a blue flower dress,no make up but still cute and beautiful.

"Son, you're gonna be a man soon.I'm proud of you." My dad praise me.

Then I said. "Well, do you praise me because she's beautiful as mom?"

"HAHAHAH." My dad just laugh.But for me this is freaking annoying.

"Go greet her Rick!" My mom insist me to greet the beautiful Clara.

"Um, well, hi Clara.

This is embarrassing! Why I need to do this!

"Uh,hi R-R-Rick." Clara greet me back.

There's no need to greet me with your cute and shy greet Clara!!!

Suddenly our butler told us that the dinner is ready and our parents invite Clara family to eat with us.

This is not very awkward actually. I don't think this is not a bad idea to invite Clara family to dinner. This is all thanks to both our parents discussing about business. Even though we both marginalized.

"Well, Rick, what is your impressions on your first day at new high school?'
Clara father asked.

Oh shitt. I'm dead. I can't say that I saw Clara bully Victoria. Plus, she's the one who ordered her minions to attack me! What am I gonna do?

"Oh my first impressions? Nothing much. Just normal. No weird moments that I saw so far." I think this is gonna work

"Great! Can't wait to see you participate in every competition that the school will held since you have a amazing record." Clara father put a lot of hope on me.

"Haha me too." Damn it I want a peaceful high school life not the hell day high school life! My heart yelled.

"Clara? Clara!" Her mother call her as soon she suddenly quiet.

As her mother call her she almost spilled her drink because she was shock. My instinct said I must grab that glass before it's spilled.
Luckily I had time before the glass is spilled on her dress.

"I - I'm sorry. I'm just thinking something. Sorry." Clara apologized and ask permission to take a breath outside.

As she went out, I look her eyes that she was really embarrassed and want to explode right now.

"Hey, Rick. Why don't you go to accom-"

"I know mom. I will comfort her."

"That's my boy. Go get her tiger!"

I ask permission to go outside from our parents and immediately search for Clara.

"Clara! Clara! Where are you?" I call her name but no answer. Damn it where are you?

"I'm here." Clara answer my calling.

"Heeeee!!!" I scream.

I looked back and it was Clara. She holding my cat like it was a baby. Nonononono! What kind of thinking is that.

"Thank god I found you! Err, do you want to take a walk outside from this house?" I ask her to take her out so that I can comfort her.

"I don't mind about that." Clara look a little bit happy as I want to comfort her.

"After you."

We walk around area residential and I already prepared GPS so that our parents know where we are right now. Just in case.

We sit at the mini park and see the sky together. Watching stars sparkling.

"Beautiful isn't?" I speak to Clara so that she don't feel this situation is awkward.

"Yes it is." Clara reply.

"Er, may I ask you Clara? Why do you choose as your fiance? I mean, don't get me wrong. You know that I'm just rescue my childhood friend right?" I hope she's not cry.

"I expected you to say that? Okay, I well tell you. It is because you make me remember my position as daughter of the principal. I bully people because I don't want to get bullied. When you came, the moment I saw your eye, you're really serious about protecting the weak. Plus, you're very good looking and strong too." Clara feel relieved about it

"Well, I don't know how to reply but if you want to change, I think I can he-"

"Rick!!! What are you doing here?!"

Wtf!!!! VICTORIA!?!!!?

"Ehhh, Clara? What are you doing with my Rick?"

My what?????

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