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"Hey Rick! How do you gather your courage to save that boy?" "Yo Rick! Your body seems flexible enough to join us in football club. Interested?" "Hey hey let's take a picture!" As you can see this is what happen right now at school. Whenever I go there's must be some people to make trouble for me. As for Clara, well of course she's always being jealous. But as for Victoria, she's just being calm and smile. Zack, he don't give a damn about my situation. He just burst out laughing and teasing me.

"Okay class, before we end our lessons, hmm, Rick please meet me in the teacher's room at break time. Okay that's it." "Huhhh, I wonder why the teacher call me in the teacher's room." I mumbling myself. During the recess time, as the teacher instructions, I go the teacher's room as she ask. "Hello Miss Tiffany, I have come as you ask." "Ohh hello Rick. Please have a seat." "Well thank you teacher. Hmm did I do anything wrong in this school?" I ask her anxiously. " Ohh no no no. It just about the sports house colour. Hahaha rest assured Rick. You're doing fine in this school." "Oh well thank you Miss. About the sports house colour, yeah I haven't choose any of it since I came to this school. Why is there something wrong?" "Yeah there is something wrong. Actually the school principal ask you if you have choose the house sports colour in this school since the sports house events will be held in our school." Dangg it I know this is Clara father doing!! "Ahaha sorry but Miss, I don't interested for joining our house sports colour becau- "Ahaha I'm sorry Rick I know that you're a good and genius student but please, you can't refuse the principal request. Otherwise you will be in a trouble." She said it with her smile. Hmm if I refuse his permission, of course he will tell my mother and father. Well, I don't have any choice either. "Okay Miss, I will choose the house sports colour in this school. But it based on my decision to choose my own sports house, am I right?" "Yes Rick. It's up to you." "So, that's it? Anything else Miss?" "Oh no I don't have anything else. If you want to go to the cafe then you may go." "Well then, excuse me Miss and thank you." "Your welcome." After I discuss with Miss Tiffany about the school sports house colour I immediately went straight to the cafe to meet Zack and the others.

"Yo Rick! Didn't expect it's gonna be quick about you meet Miss Tiffany in teacher's room." "Well yeah. It's just about the school sports house Zack. Nothing serious matters." "Great! Then you can choose the blue one! It's a honour for you to join our sports house!" Zack really excited about my sports house colour "Hey hey please keep it down otherwise..." I insist Zack to keep his voice to make sure that he did not make any attention. "Hey Rick you don't have any sports house colour right? Then join us!!" A group of girls and boys suddenly surround me. Hahhh...Great. Thank you ZACK!!!

Since then, everytime I'm being alone even when Clara and Victoria is near me there's must be a people who will ask me if I have make my decision to choose the house sports for the sports events. "Hmphh!! Why you don't just make a decision of choosing the colour that you like!!" Clara pouting her face. Well, it's cute though. "A - emm actually I agree with Clara. You should be quick because emm this." Victoria suddenly show me a group chat of girls in her smartphone. "Hmm, I didn't expect that the girls is crazy about my decision of choosing the sports house." "Idiot!! Of course they crazy about since you enroll in this school!! Well you're handsome, intelligent and and...." Clara shouting at me while grabbing my face. "And what Clara?" I ask her calmly. "N-n-nothing." Clara face is red as soon she release my face from her hands. She's blushing. It's hard to see her blushing. The face that she make is very cute and beautiful. "Hey, not fair!! I want to touch Rick face too!!" "Ehh? W-w-wait Victoria!!" Victoria suddenly holding my face tightly. "Hey hey!! Don't be so hard on him! His face is mine!" Clara take off Victoria hands from my face and of course they start fighting like cats and dogs.

In the middle of the night, I keep thinking about me decision. "Haahhh... I think I know a way that can settle down this matter once for all. Yeah, I will do that. Whatever the consequence   I will take it."

"Thank you mom as always sent me to school." "Yes, yes Rick it's okay my baby boy." My mother pinch my cheek after I give her a hug before she go to work and meet father at the company.
"Hmm, just another day in this school."
Just as I expected, they're waiting for me to show up in class. For me, this is daily routine of being a 'popstar' in this school and it is not so bad for enjoying this moment for a while. "Hey Rick. Do you have choose the sports house that you like?" A girl ask me. "Hmm, well... it's a secret everybody. Sorry." I have to keep my secret plan to end this mess. Otherwise... "Oh no, it's okay Rick." The girl smile at me. "Heyyyyy! Who allow you to look and smile at him!!" "Ah-ah umm sorry Clara." The girl frightened  from Clara cold stare and run to talk the other of her friend. Of course everyone that surround me dissolve from my sight. "Hmph! Always being so nice and gentle! That's why you always surrounded from the pests that want to devour you!" Yeah, this is the 'otherwise' that I mean including Victoria and oh yeah Zack of course. "What's with that face! Now give me a good morning kiss!!!" Clara insisted me to give her a kiss. "Clara!!! What are you doing?!?! You're making a scene." Yep, another 'otherwise'. Victoria yell at Clara and there they going at it again. Well, it's my duty to keep they from fighting. This things is never end.

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