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At my house, I immediately reschedule my daily routine to prepare my body for the sports event. Even though I've workout my body since I was 15 years old, but it's not enough. "Damn, I stop workout because of I give more focus on studying for 3 months ago. Well, I gotta do this." I make my schedule like this. In the morning I will do a light workout before I go to school. After school ended, I will start my real workout and in the night I will have a light study. Need to have a good sleep for a good body, right?

The next day, I start my new routine. "Hahhh, it's good to have this workout back. The feeling of pain because of getting a splendid results. Worth it." I thought to myself and smile. "Rick, you ready honey?" My mother call me. "Yes mom, 2 minutes please."

At school

"Morning Clara." I greet Clara. "Ohhh, morning....Rick." Clara looks envious at me. Maybe because she always greet me first and I don't usually approach people. "Yoo, Rick! Morning bro." Zack just arrived at our class.

"Hey honey, can I ask you?" Clara ask me. "Yeah, what is it?" "What you did last night? I'm just asking." Clara ask me with her deadly smile. "Ohh shit, I forgot. She called me for 20 times and hundreds texts. "Ahh no no. I just sleep early. Ahaha, sorry." "You sure? You're not lying right? If not maybe I will started to sleep in your room everyday." Clara look at me with suspicious. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not lying. You can ask my mom." "Okay cutie."

Bruhh, I'm literally dead if I didn't notice her messages. But wait, why I'm concern of her? I'm not actually like her, right? "Alright, class. Open you books and we will continue the topic yesterday." The teacher came and began the study session. "Hmm, this topic is easy. For real, why the students don't study early the topic before the teachers give the lectures? This is way more convenient than waiting the teachers to give more knowledge to us." I thought to myself. Before the teacher end his lecture, he give an announcement to us. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The sports event will be held in our school. You have one month before the event begin. Thank you and see you guys again." 1 month huh? I got more times than expected.

After school

"Hey, Rick. Whatcha doing?" Victoria ask me while she arrange her desk before we went home. "Oh, nothing just looking at my phone. Wait, where's Clara?" "Ahh? I think she's went to restrooms before she went home. Anyway can I ask? I know this is not my business, but. Do you love Clara?" Victoria ask me with nervously. Me? Have a relationship? No. There's no way I will have a relationship because it's just a puppy love. The real relationship will begin right after you success in your life first. "I don't know. It's just happen so suddenly. I know that I saved you from that incident and Clara loved me out of nowhere and I was clueless that day. Maybe I will figure it out by myself." I confess my thoughts to Victoria to clear myself. It's true that I don't usually approach people, always being a quiet kid, but things have a little in my life. With Zack, Clara and Victoria appearance, I think I can make more friends. In having a partner, not gonna happen.

"Ahh, I see. Thank you, Rick." "Thank you for what? Well it's just a simple matter, yeah?" "Eheheheh." Victoria giggle a little. "Well, Victoria I will head home first. See you later." I said my farewell to Victoria. "Alright, see ya later." I pack my things and make a way to my home. "You heard him, right? Clara?" "Yeah, loud and clear." Clara suddenly appear out of nowhere.

At home

"Yepp. That will do. Fuhh, this is tiring a little. What should I do next? Maybe 150 squats before sleep? Alright let's do that." I started my workout after dinner and it's been 3 hours since I started my workout sessions. "Young master, your parents said they will not at home until this Sunday because they have a business that they need to attend." My housekeeper, Albert, told me about my parents in front my room. "And young master, there's someone want to meet you." "Who want to meet me at this hour? Tell them to go home. Thank you Albert." I tell Albert and continue my workout. "Yes young master." With that said, Albert go to the front door and the tell the unexpected guest of my wish. But suddenly.


"HEY RICK! DO YOU THINK YOU ALLOWED TO KICK ME FROM YOUR HOUSE?!?!" Clara suddenly appear with her cute dress. "Wait!!! What the hell?!?!!? Why are you here, Clara?!?!" I shock with the situation that happen right now. "Obviously, I will stay here tonight. Now go to bed!!! It's late and I will sleep with you tonight!!!" Clara push me to the bed. "No, hold up!! Goddamnit, Albert what happen?" I ask Albert since he's front of my room, watching us together. "Actually, Miss Clara came with her permissions from her parents to stay with you tonight since tomorrow is weekend holiday. Of course, your parents also approve this." Albert explain to me with details.

"Okay, okayy. I get it. Thank you for your explanation. I will handle this." "Have a nice day, young master." Albert make his own way and leaves us alone. After things has calm down, I discuss with Clara about her staying at my home tonight. "Okay, I understand. I will let you stay tonight. But, there's no way we will sleep together. I will sleep at couch tonight. Snuggle all you want at my bed." I give Clara my permissions and set a little conditions. "No, that will not do. We will sleep together. No matter what. I don't know why you avoid me. It's not I will eat you or anything." Clara persistently want to sleep with me. What give her idea to do this thing?

"Fine, fine. I will sleep with you tonight. But do not tell this to anyone, including Victoria you hear me?" I give warning to Clara. If everyone know this, my school life will be over. "What do you think I am? Of course I will not tell everyone. Hmphh." Clara pout her face. Men, to be honest she look like a hamster with that pout face. "Alright, I want to change my clothes first." I take off my clothes in front of Clara to make her flustered and went straight home. Maybe this will make her hate me and go home immediately. But, things don't go with my plan.

"Hahhh, hahhh, Rick..." Clara let out a heavy breathing as she saw my body. "Come here, handsome!!!" She pull my hands and hold me at my bed. "You know, it's not good to tease girl by opening his shirt with a girl who in heat. It will give you a badddd consequences you know?" Clara face looks dangerous. Wait, is she? Don't tell me. She's horny goddamnit. "With you athletic body, I will devour you. When I said I will not eat you, I'm sorry. Maybe I will eat you. Hehee." Clara lick my body while speak to me. "Clara, hold up! Time out! Listen, I don't know what are you doing. If our parents know we're doing this they will mad at us. And we will not meet again, you hear me? Oyy!" I warn Clara but she replied to me angrily. 'No!!! I will have your baby. No matter what. Because our parents already approved us to have sex!!! I will take this chances to make you my husband!! Do you know it's hurt to see you with Victoria? Do you know it's hurt to see you being popular at school? I know there's a lot of other women that better than me!! But, I don't want to lose!! I will not lose to them!! Because I -" Clara confess her feelings to me. She lets out her tears a bit. The tears that fall at my face make me realize. Lately I always concerns of Clara than Victoria. I know Victoria knows me well than the others. But being with Clara? It's more lively. Then I touch Clara face. "Clara, it's okay. Thank for confess your feelings to me. But to be true, I don't know how to react to your confessions. You know I always being quite around people. It's true, I good at studying and all. But, I don't know how to communicate with people. By being with you this lately, I make friends thanks to you. With that, thank you Clara." This time I confess my true feelings to Clara. Suddenly she kiss me. Our lips and tongue meet, playing with each other. "Rick, I love you. I do. So please, I want it."

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