7/Podium Winner + Victor's Dillemma

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Damn it! Why won't you land anything? Why are you so preoccupied with my direction?!

A kick of Victor's leg as he shoved the dense blankets that enclosed his body. Yuri was fast asleep, eyes fluttered closed gently, previous angers disappearing with each breath. The petite blonde male had plopped at the edge of Victor's bed, huddling like a cat while he used Yuuri's stolen blankets as a pillow.

Victor leaned forward, a yawn falling out of his mouth while he tapped Yuri's plump cheeks.

"Yurio, that can't be comfortable." He deadpanned, assuming. He enjoyed mocking the kid, but now wasn't a suitable time; Yuri despised being awoken, but this seemed fitting.

He stirred, strands of disheveled hair falling over his nose. "It's fine." Yuri muttered, his words intertwined with laziness and exhaustion.

"Why do you move up here, da? I won't touch you, promise." Victor smiled with ease, talking to a practical sleeping baby. Though, to Victor's shock, the 15-year-old boy shifted underneath the blankets, using his slim legs that could skate like none other to bolster his body.

"Hey, Victor, why don't you enter a competition too... For once, it'd be nice to watch you crush those beneath you," Yuri admitted, no shame in his tone. His eyes were still closed, and he'd huddled up to the blankets, a reasonable distance away from Victor.


It was incredible how pure the ice was when there were only children around the rink.

Many of them didn't know how to skate; most were incredibly young. Regardless of whether they were there or not, though, Victor slid on his skates and joined the grouping of people.

It was cruel. To stand up the scores and winners to ensure he could still skate, but the thought of not clawed his brain like a child locked out of a room.

His eyes closed, feet sliding across the ice. It was smooth, now.

It was just the nervousness, was the only sheer worry that Victor had. After all, he'd disappeared, angering everyone around him.

Then, his legs collided from underneath him.


Yuri returned to the hotel room, Yuuri already trying to wipe off his makeup with the wiry hem of his costume.

"He didn't even show up!" Yuri complained, ruffling his hair with the palms of his hands, slamming the squeaking door behind him with a hard kick.

"Calm down-" Yuuri tried to soothe, but just got slammed into the bed by the bottom of Yuri's sneakers.

"Whatever," snarled Yuri, as he let out a 'tch' sound and crossed his arms. "It's not like it matters, anyway. It wasn't my competition."

"I guess we'll just have to wait."

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