sibling hill

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teardrop was lounging on a couch in the house belonging to her former team, the have cots. the fireplace radiated a warm glow upon the droplet, who was busy daydreaming. 

they were fantasizing about all sorts of adventures they could get up to, excited for the fun they could have with their friends. as td was rather twitterpated by these thoughts, the sudden slamming of the front door by a certain gelatinous fellow would only startle her and cause her to fall onto the floor with a thud. 

"teardrop! come quick!" gelatin exclaimed, beckoning them with his hand. "there's something you need to see!"

teardrop rubbed her head as she got up, glancing at her friend annoyedly. they put their hands on their hips and motioned to the couch.

"whoops! yeah, sorry teedster! guess i got a bit excited..." gelatin smiled sheepishly. he then turned around to notice he had broken the door off of its hinges. "huh. definitely excited..."

teardrop rolled her eyes and affectionately patted his head. gelatin was like a brother to them, and, while also often a bother, he was a sweet guy who was fun to be around. she propped the broken door against the wall and followed him outside, curious as to what he was on about.

"jelly boy! little droplet! you've come just in time," lollipop smiled, placing her arm around her friends' shoulders. "there's something absolutely marvelous i'd like to show you."

gelatin could hardly contain his excitement as the two of them were led along. "what is it what is it what is it??" he bounced up and down with a big grin on his face. "what are you showing us this time???" teardrop smirked and put her hands on her hips.

"what? i don't know what she's showing us," he said. "do you?"

td pointed to the house they had since departed from, and then made gestures of something falling. she raised an eyebrow.

"well, i knew lolly was going to show us something exciting, i just didn't know what. i had every right to be excited enough to break a door. but speaking of which, what is it???"

"you shall find out in due time," lollipop said. she had led them up onto a hill, and suddenly stopped - causing teardrop and gelatin to bump into her. they proceeded to stumble over and end up sitting in the grass.

teardrop liked the feeling of this grass. it was fuzzy and warm, as if capturing the heat from the sun in its blades. she smiled as she rubbed her hands through it. 

gelatin watched them do this and started to rub the grass too, then proceeded to look up at lolly. "did you want to show us this nice soft grass?"

teardrop also looked up at her, beaming.

"well, it seems as if you two like it. but alas, that is not what i came here to show you," lollipop answered. "this grass, however lovely it may be, is just a circumstance of your location."

td and gelatin glanced at each other and shrugged.

"if you'd be so kind as to get up once again and look at the view, then i think you'd know what i really took you here to see." lolly smiled down at her friends, who were like little siblings to her. she liked having people she could feel in charge of, but... in a soft way. she was especially fond of showing them things.

and gelatin liked being shown things! he liked looking at things, and feeling things, and having a good time. excited and curious, he got up to his feet and turned towards his big sister. lollipop glanced at him, then continued looking in the direction she had been previously.

gelatin himself looked in that direction, and his eyes widened in awe of the view. the golden rays of the sun cascaded over the trees and onto a placid lake, the clouds mottling the light on the ground below. the water seemed to shimmer like a diamond, refracting light into rainbow colors on its surface. a gentle breeze swept through the valley.

"teedster, you have to see this," gelatin whispered. normally he'd explode into excited chatter whenever something this euphoric occurred, but it was so breathtaking that for once he was speechless.

td, however, remained seated in the grass. the sun beat down upon her and upon the green fuzz she was planted in, making her feel cozy - as if wrapped in a blanket. they smiled and kept on moving their hands throughout the blades.

in the corner of her eye, lolly noticed teardrop still sitting down. "is there anything wrong, my dear tear? it seems as if you aren't looking at this wonderful view," she said, kneeling down to be closer to her little sibling's level.

teardrop looked up at her momentarily and shook her head, before smiling down at the grass again. she plucked a handful of the green stuff and presented it to lollipop, stroking the fuzzy splayed ends. 

lolly passed her hand over the wad of grass and smiled. "would you rather sit in the grass than look at the view? this grass is awfully soft..." teardrop grinned and rubbed her hands in the grass again. 

lolly patted their head and stood up. "i guess i just like this hill. nice grass, nice view..."

"and nice siblings!" gelatin added, hugging lolly and td. 

soon the three lay in the grass, in the warm yellow sun, for quite a while. and for that while, that nice long while, everything was right with the world.

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