stop sign (part 1)

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"aw man, lollipop, do you really have to go?" gelatin frowned as he stood with teardrop at the have cot house front door. 

lolly leaned on her suitcase and smiled. "i won't be too long, don't worry. i'll be back in a few days."

td flung herself at lolly and clutched her legs, looking up at her with doe eyes. lolly sighed and patted their head. "i'll miss you, my favorite little teardrop. and you, gelly boy. but a girl's gotta have a little time to herself, right?"

td raised an eyebrow incredulously, pointing to flower. she was standing behind them, shoving a suitcase into the back of the freesmart super van. 

"okay... time to herself with someone else," lolly smiled sheepishly. "it's just me and flower. i'm sure you two will be just fine without me."

gelatin rushed over to hug her. "we'll miss you so much! please please please send postcards..."

"okay, okay, gelatin. now teardorp, would be so kind as to let go of me? you have quite the arm strength."

after freeing herself from the grasp of her siblings, lollipop grabbed the handle of her suitcase and started over to the van, into which flower was still trying to pack her stuff. lolly put her hand around flower's shoulder and chuckled.

"need you bring so much, flower?" 

flower turned around abruptly. "we might encounter customers! i just have to have my merchandise with me just in case."

"i see. do you need help with that?" lollipop leaned over her shoulder and glanced at teardrop.

"it wouldn't hurt-" a bag tumbled down onto flower's head. "ow!"

lolly beckoned to her little sibling, who came over to the van. after assessing the situation, td rearranged the luggage so it wouldn't fall over again. she smiled and looked up at her sister once she finished her task. 

gelatin ran over. "wait, i want to help too!" he pushed lollipop's suitcase toward them. "teardrop, can you put this away for me?" he whispered. they proceeded to do so.

"well then," lollipop said after a moment. "if we're all packed, then we should be heading out. i'll see you soon, my dears. farewell!" she turned towards her siblings and smiled fondly at them. she cared for them dearly, and it was a bit sad to leave them.

she looked over to flower, however, and felt euphoria mingle with the melancholy. lollipop was going on a road trip with her, a friend she felt she needed to spend more time with. when she'd presented the idea to flower, she seemed overjoyed - perhaps lolly should look into that.

lollipop opened the front door and entered, sitting down in the driver's seat; she knew flower didn't know how to operate a spaceship, and didn't trust her with any other kind of vehicle - quite aware of this, flower sat next to her in the front without an argument. 

"you know, it took a lot of convincing to get ruby to add brakes to the van," lollipop said lightly as she started the super van. "and here we are. perhaps next time we can get functioning turn signals."

a large clunk could be heard, and flower stuck her head out the window to see where it came from - she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. in fact, she didn't notice anyone. where were teardrop and gelatin?

"td? gelatin? we're heading out!" flower called. "buh-bye, buddies!"

there was another clunk, but flower didn't care to seek out its source again. she just looked ahead through the window at the new horizons she and lollipop would reach on their little journey. 

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