Trust is Earned. Not Given.

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Making friends is never easy. Which is why I have none. They just stab you in the back and take those knifes to feed you a poisoned steak. Trust. No. One.

Today, I begin my studies in the mountains. Why? Not sure. My adoption center sent me here for a learning experience. Ok, so I lied. I am supposed to be in Gotham City at the moment, but I snuck away. Sooner or later, I get lost and start to travel up this mountain. I know it is very dangerous for a mere 9 year old to be running around in the cold and you may be thinking, "Mari?!?? What is wrong with you!!? You don't go up a mountain for no reason!!" But you're wrong! I can see a cool building with European architecture and I want to see it. You are right, though. I should have stayed in the city, but I hate those people. I wish them dead.

I need to transform into Ladybug so I don't freeze to death. I use my yo-yo to climb up the mountain and I go to the top of it. The air is really thin. I can hardly breathe. Yep, I'm going back down.

Actually, I wanna check out the abandoned temple. Dropping down and it seems to be very old. It looks polished, though. Almost as if someone takes care of it. Wait a moment, there are torches lighting up the whole temple! I better detransform. As Marinette, I knocked on the door to find an old man answer. He looked like an old monk.

"Who are you?" He asks me. His voice is rude and groggy.

"I'm Marinette. I was climbing these mountains and I got really cold. Would you mind if I stay here for a little bit so I can warm up? I can leave if you are uncomfortable with letting in a stranger." He shakes his head and puts his hand in a stopping stance.

"Nonsense, child. Come in. Let me make you tea."

"Thank you-" what's his name?

"Ra's, Ra's Al Ghul."

"Mr. Al Ghul."

"Please, just Ra's."

"Of course, thank you." He humbly nods and goes to the kitchen. All of the sudden, the door flies open and some kid my age comes in.

"Who are you? Grandfather wouldn't welcome in a stranger! Thief!" He pulls out a sword. It has a dragon on the blade. A dragon on the blade!

"Damian! That is not how you greet a guest! You formally address yourself to them and shake their hand. Not shout at them."

"Sorry, grandfather. Hello, my name is Damian." He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"Marinette. With the name Damian your parents must have hated you."

He grunted in anger. "Grandfather, why is this nuisance here?" He glares at me.

"She is here because- well, I'm not entirely sure. Marinette, what are you doing here?"

"I got lost. I need to get back to Gotham, but I don't want to be with the losers I came with."

"I understand. Let Damian escort you back to Gotham."

"Not happening," he says in response. I take a sip of this delicious tea. I have never had anything like it!

"Wait, do you two ever leave the mountains, ever?" I ask.

"Never have. Everything we need is right here. Except you. We don't need you."

That means it should be ok for me to reveal my identity if they never leave the mountains. "Ok, I'll just go then."

"As you wish. Damian, go with her."

"No, sir. I'll be fine. Tikki, Spots On!" Neither of them care that I used magic to change my outfit into my superhero costume. We climb down the mountains until we are half way down and I say, "There is no reason you should be here. I can go down by myself."

Daminette One-Shots (MLB x DC)Where stories live. Discover now