Chapter 2

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"So were they hot??" Flora asks me as she drives me to HQ.

"Hot?? Seriously? I lost an important top secret file and you're wondering if the boys who took me in were HOT??" I ask her, slightly exasperated after just explaining what had happened.

"What? I'm not allowed to know about the file cos it's not my work! I want to know about those boys though." she smiles.

"Wha- fine. Yes. They were pretty hot." I give up.

"Names? NUMBERS?" She starts getting excited.

"Names.. Err.. Niall.. Zayn? Liam.. and Harry. Think there was another guy but I never met him."

"LOUIS?!" She butts in.

"Err.. I don't know!" I say, slightly taken aback.

"OMFG! I'm PRETTY sure you just met One Direction!" She squeaks.

"One Di- oh wait.. Are they the 'big boy band phenomenon' ones?" I ask, not really that interested.

"Yes! Oh my fucking god! Why didn't you get their numbers?!" She stares at me.

"Eyes on the road Flora!" I remind her.

"Oh right, yeah sorry." She laughs.

"And I didn't get their numbers.." I carry on "because I don't want to get involved with other people again Flora. Everyone I do get close to... Gets hurt. I can't do that to those boys who were so nice, and don't know me. I can't."

"..okay, sorry." Flora goes quiet.

"Hey.. If I knew who they were I would've gotten you an autograph?" I tease Flora, lightening the mood.

Flora pulls the car in and we get out.

"You ready?" Flora asks me nervously as we walk in the front door.

I laugh slightly. She's always been the one to worry more about things. "Yep, I can take it."

We walk in and I'm immediately called to M's office.

"Come in." She calls. "Take a seat."

I sit down in front of her desk and she gets up and walks around to lean on the front of the desk.

"What happened out there Stone? It's not like you to lose someone then disappear for 2 hours?" M asks.

"I got stopped, then hit my head and blacked out. Some Boy band took me in and let me rest.. I couldn't help it. I got out as fast as I could when I woke up." I reply.

"Well you do know that you lost a file of top secret information right Stone?" She down at me.

"Yes Ma'am. You know I'm not like that.. You know I won't let it happen again." I look down.

"I sure hope not Stone, because the board won't let you off.."

"IT'S THE SECOND TIME!" I interrput. "The last time was years ago.. You know that M.."

"I know that indeed. But the board don't care about that." She replies gently.

I sigh. "I know, and it won't happen again."

"Good. You're one of our best agents Stone, and I don't want to lose you. Dismissed." She nods her head as I leave the office.

I go over to the shooting range to let off some steam. I've got a pretty damn good aim if I do say so myself. Almost each shot straight in the centre.

I only stop once I'm completely out of mags. I set the gun down an remove the soundproof headphones and the goggles.

I go out to find Flora leaning against the door.

"How the fuck do you have a shot that good?" She asks, staring at me.

"Flora, you're pretty damn good too!" I laugh as I shove her slightly.

"Well.." We both laughs.

"Fancy a Starbucks on the way home?" I ask her.

"Of course!" She smiles.

We get in my car, company car of course. And drive to Starbucks.

We jump out and walk into Starbucks, ordering our coffee's we head out again.

"Fancy doing something tonight?" Flora asks me as we get back in the car.

"Flo.. I have file shit to do.. But sure, just chill at mine?" I ask.

"Sure!" She grins back.

We get to my flat and flop down on the couch, recapping today's events.

"Mhm!" I say finishing my mouthful of ice-cream "I almost told them my name! Like, what the fuck is wrong with me?" I use huge hand gestures.

"Well what did you say?!" Flora sits up and stares at me.

"Well, the blonde one asked me my name. And I went Pai-TAYLOR! And I was like 'shit shit shit!'" I explain.

"Awh, but no one even calls you Paige but me? And well, M knows but she just calls you Stone. So..? Why DID you change it to Taylor? I mean I know your real name's Paige, but why pretend it's Taylor?" She stares at me. We've never really discussed this before.

"Well," I sigh. "Basically, the less people know about me, the less likely they are to get hurt! And too many people have gotten hurt in my name already."

Flora knows I don't like talking about personal stuff, or my past. So she drops it there and just pulls me into a hug.

"Right! I'm gonna head home I think!" Flora gets up, cos it's like 11pm.

"Sure thing Hun, wanna talk my car?" I offer.

"Nah it's okay, I'll get a taxi so you can drive tomorrow." She laughs.

"M'kay! Night Flo!" I call.

"Night Paige!" She shouts back as she closes the door.

I pull out a file from the pile of stuff I've been given from M to read over and try and recognise people.. Shit like that. So I start out reading through it, until about 2am when my eyes finally drop shut, and I fall asleep.


A/N so yeah, just to make it less confusing, her name is Paige Taylor Stone. But only Flora really calls her Paige, everyone else calls her Taylor. Sorry if it's confusing but it's part of the story. And don't worry, my other girlies in the story! You'll be in it soon, as will the boys be in it more! Press that little 'Vote' button up there please? ;) Thanks! X

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