Chapter 4

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~Flora's POV~

I groan as sunlight hits my eyes, I try to roll over but my legs are entangled with Paige's. Although it's comfy.. I really need to pee.

I try and slide my legs from the tangled mess but it doesn't work.

"Paige.. PAIGE!" I whisper-shout at her. "Paige I need to pee!"

"Hm?" She rolls over and squints one eye open at me.

"I need to pee so move!" I laugh as she rolls over to the edge of the bed and I go to her bathroom.

"Fuck my head hurts." I come out of the bathroom, rubbing my temples.

Paige's still half asleep on the bed, her arm dangling over the edge of the bed. I squint, tilting my head when I see black scribbles on he hand.

"Paige.. What's that on your hand?" I ask her confusedly.

"Huh?" She lifts her head and looks at it. "Oh.. It's Harry's number. He said to tell you to call him today to make sure you're okay." She plops back down on the pillow.

I grab her hand and my phone but close my eyes at the brightness of it. I go through to the kitchen and grab a glass of water and some tablets.

I go back to the bedroom and fall asleep again, thinking I'll call Harry when I feel better.


"Flora.. Flora?" Paige is nudging me awake.

"Whhht?" I moan into the pillow.

"Write down Harry's number somewhere else! I wanna go for a shower!" She pushes me off the bed.

"OW! FUCK! Fine jeez gimmie a minute." I stand up and find my phone.

I come back into the bedroom and grab Paige's arm, copying the numbers into my phone.

As she goes into the shower, I look down my Contacts and send Harry a message.

'Hey, Taylor gave me your number.. I'm sorry I was such a wreck last night.. :/ x'

I sigh, lying back on the bed, just as my phone vibrates.

'Hi! I was waiting for you to text, wanted to make sure you were okay. So how're you this morning? Okay? VERY hungover? ;) x' - H

'Awh, well that's sweet, thank you! No actually! Slightly dizzy and horrible feeling but not that bad! Haha. Wby? How drunk did you get after Taylor took me home? ;) x' - F

'That's me ;) Aha, well.. Being that drunk without too much of a hangover.. I'm impressed! Haha, nah, I just went home shortly after you left. Got bored! X' - H

'Haha! Why thank you ;) Awhh, was I the life of the party? Aha x' - F

'No problem, yeah.. You pretty much were! ;) so wuu2 today? x' - H

~Paige's POV~

"Hey flo.." I start, as I come out the bathroom, just as my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Stone, is Cooper with you?" M asks.

"Yeah.. She's here.." Flora looks at me confusedly.

"Put the phone on loudspeaker please." She instructs.

"Sure.." I put the phone on speaker as I sit down on the bed next to Flora.

"Stone, Cooper. You're needed in the field. Today. 6 o'clock. I'm sending you the brief now. It's urgent. I NEED you to focus on this one, you're the best I've got and I need you in. Reider is following up an exchange today. We need to to infiltrate the process and get. The microchip and What's. In. That. Briefcase. Got it?" M explains.

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