Chapter 6

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~Paige's POV~

I wake up to Flora's ringtone of Heart Attack.

I kick her under the duvet getting her to wake up.

"What!" She mumbles.

"Answer your fucking phone." I groan back at her and she huffs.

"Hello? Yeah of course! No it's fine. Think you pissed Taylor off a bit though. Haha, yeah sure, er.. Meet you there? Nine? Okay. See you later!" Flora hangs up with a smile. "Just Harry wondering if we were still coming out tonight."

"Mm.. Flo how's my cheek look?" I squint at her.

"So much better! Only slightly bruised and a small scratch." She says to me.

"Ugh thank fuck." I groan.

--10Hours Later--

*7 o'clock*

"Flo what're you wearing tonight?" I shout through to the bathroom.

"Erm.. Either my green dress or the black one." She yells back.

"You have more than one green dress and more than one black dress flo! Which one?" I laugh.

"Err.. Ugh I'll just show you in a bit!" She yells. "What about you?"

"Err.. Think I'm gonna wear one of my black dresses? Or maybe the dark blue plain one?" I say.

"Oooh!" She comes out of the bathroom in her dressing gown, walking over to the mirror to do her makeup just as I finish mine. I have plenty of foundation and concealer over my cheek, but you can still slightly notice the cut. Hopefully it'll be too dark for anyone to notice.. If not I can just say I cut myself.. On a cupboard door or something.

"I'm taking this bandage off today." Flora states grumpily.

"Why? You're meant to keep it on for at least another day." I say, matter-of-factly.

"It's annoying the hell outta me! Oh screw that it'll be fine!" She slowly takes off the bandage, her cut has healed well but it still looks sore and visible, she blends a load of foundation into it so it's not quite so visible. Smiling to herself.

"See.. I wanna wear my black dress.. But it's sleeveless." I scrunch up my face.

"So..? OH! your arm!" She states. "Well.. What if you just wear your long sleeved one?"

"Ooh! My black one?" I run over to my wardrobe and start ruffling through to find it. "Here!" I shout. "It's the left arm that the sleeve is on too! Perfect!"

We finish doing our hair just as Flora gets a text from Harry.

"See you in 10! xx" - H

"You ready? I ask Flora.

"Yup!" I grin.

Flora's got on a green dress, with mesh vest sleeves and a fitted waist that comes to half way down her thighs, and I've got on my black bodycon, one sleeved dress that has studs on the shoulder.

We've arranged a club to meet everyone at first but then we're gonna move on according to Harry.

"Hey!" Me and Flora both yelled at the boys, Alice, Emma and Bobby over the music.

"Hi!" "Hey" "Hiya!" They all chirped.

Everyone budged over so we could slip into the sofa seats around the table.

"What're you drinking?" Zayn asks us, his arm slinked around Bobby's shoulder.

"Nu-Uh!" Harry shouts. "It's shots! Now!" He laughs.

It's Too Dangerous To Love YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora