Chapter 7

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~Paige's POV~

I get in my apartment and flop down on the sofa, I'm still knackered so I'm almost asleep again when my phone goes. Flora, asking if I'm home.

I reply telling her to come over if she wants and she said she'll be over in a minute.

Next thing I know, I hit something hard. The ground. I roll over to see Flora standing over me, a smirk on her face.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I groan, sitting back up on the sofa.

"You wouldn't wake up." She shrugs, walking through to MY kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Why do I need to be up??" I quiz her, pulling myself back onto the sofa.

"Cus I want you to be?" She looks at me as if that's obvious.

"Oh fuck off." I shout through to her.

"No. Wake up! I want to know all the goss!" She squeaks.

"What fucking 'goss'?!" I sit up.

"You slept with Niall last night!" She jumps up.

"NO! I slept AT Niall's NOT with him! For fucks sakes Flora! Where'd you hear that?!" I ask her, eyes wide.

"Well I just heard you'd slept AT his.."

"And you just ASSUMED I'd fucking slept with him!" I cut in.

"Woah! Jesus! Calm down!" She backs off.

"Well I can't believe you'd assume that!" I realise what I'm doing at the same time Flora does.

"You're freaking again Paige.." Flora calmly says.

"I know.. I don't know what to do Flora!" I hold my head in my hands.

"Its okay." She comes and sits next to me, putting her arm around me. "This time won't be like the others."

After I calm down, we get showered, dressed and go out to Starbucks.

We're sitting in Starbucks drinking our coffee's, "gossiping" about last night when a guy in all black walks in, looking around, his eyes fixate on me. He slowly moved his gaze and finds a seat, a seat where he has a perfect view of our table. Obviously I'm suspicious, 1. Being an agent. 2. He's clearly watching us.

I hand comes in front of my face and I instinctively grab the wrist.

"Jesus! Calm down, what the fuck is up with you?" She asks, taken aback.

"Nothing.." I say, casting another glance towards the man in black.

"Ugh, whatever. I SAID, lets go?" She slips her jacket on.

"Sure.." I mumble. As we walk out, I'm immediately aware of a chair screeching behind us. I know what's happening.

"Flora." I say through gritted teeth. "This way."

I drag her down a side street. She catches on immediately.

"Shit. Know who it is?" She increases her walking speed.

"No clue. All in black. Been watching us since we got to Starbucks." I glance a look back to see a figure turning the corner.

"Why didn't you tell me??" Flora asks.

"Thought it might make it slightly obvious! Plus I didn't know for sure." I pull her down another side street.

I pull up my high waisted skirt and pull a small gun out of my holster.

"Seriously?!" Flora just looks at me.

"Kinda helpful! I mean, look at the situation we're in!" I roll my eyes in response.

"Do you keep that on you at ALL times?" She hisses.

"90% of the time yeah. Now shut up." I peer around the corner of the wall, looking back to see if he's still following us when I get kicked.

"FLO- SHIT!" The guy has Flora in a night neck grip holding a gun to her head. I raise my pistol to his head.

"GUN DOWN!" He shouts. "Gun down. Or I'll shoot!"

"Okay!" I raise my hands and place my gun slowly on the ground.

"Kick it towards me." He orders and I do as he says, kicking the fun so it slides along to his feet.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He laughs a deep, throaty laugh.

"Wouldn't you like to know. But I need both of you, so you will walk two steps in front of me, one wrong move and she's dead." He Jams the gun against Flora's head.

"Alright! Okay.. I'll walk." I slowly walk around him, and as I do, I share a glance at Flora. We immediately both know what the other meant.

I start walking very slowly.

"FASTER." He shouts, now prodding the gun against my back. Wrong move mister.

I spin around grabbing the gun, twisting his wrist as I kick his jaw. He immediately loosens his grip on Flora and she slips out. Grabbing his other arm, she twists it behind his back and as he groans out in pain, she kicks the back of his knee so he buckled and falls to his knees.

As my knee makes contact with his face, he falls back, knocked out cold.

We go collect the two guns and call HQ to come pick us up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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