Chapter 3

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I groan as I hear the familiar ring of my phone on the sofa next to me, I fell asleep reading these files last night.

I squint, looking at the caller.


I groan as I answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello Stone." Is the reply.

"Am I needed in, M?" I ask.

"No, quite the opposite actually Stone, I feel you need a break after what happened. So I'm giving you the day off. But I want you back in, tomorrow 6pm for a meeting." She reply's stricly.

"Sure thing M." I reply, slightly bored of this conversation already.

"Goodbye Stone." and with that she hangs up.

I roll over to sheild my eyes from the sun, just as my phone rings again.

"WHAT?" I answer.

"Fucks sakes Paige! Calm down!" Flora reply's slightly taken aback.

"Sorry." I moan "What's up?"

"M told me to take you out and do something today cos we've got the day off." She explains. "Be round in 20!"

She is so energetic the WHOLE time that actually I don't understand what she runs on.

I get up and shower, changing into casual clothes just as there's a knock on the door.

I unlock it as I go by, to lazy to answer it.

"It's open!" I call, since I know it'll just be Flora.

"Right!" She bounces in. "First we're going shopping then we're going OUT tonight!"

"Okay!" I run through, do my make-up, dry my hair and we head out the door.

We decide to take my car and we head to the very busy shops.

We spend the whole morning in and out of shops, which of course I don't mind! I love clothes and shopping.

We stop off at Starbucks around lunchtime to grab a coffee, we're just sitting drinking our coffee's and chatting when Flora's gaze drifts to a spot behind me and stays there.

"Flo..? You okay? What's wrong?" I ask, with a smile on my face in case there's someone watching us.

"Mmhm.." is all she mumbles back. "Don't worry about it. Just got into a daydream." She plasters an obviously fake smile on her face and laughs.

"..sure?" I press.

"Of course!" she laughs. An I decide that whatever it is can't be that important and she's not going to tell me anything anyway.

Later that night, we're getting ready to go out when Flora randomly comes out with..

"When was the last time you kissed someone.. And it MEANT something?"

She knows that on a few missions I've had to be the 'Girl that gets into their room then gets the needed information.' hence the 'MEANT something' part.

"I don't know. You know I don't get close to people. I don't let myself." Is all I reply with so Flora doesn't push any further.

Once we're all ready, hair done, made up, we call a taxi and get a lift to a club of Flora's choice.

When we're into the club we go up to the bar and Flora gets us both a vodka and coke.

When we've had a few drinks, we get up onto the dance floor and start dancing when there's a tap on Flora's shoulder.

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