I suck at titles lol

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(A/N:  Hey, this is my first ff I hope you enjoy it. The song above is really good, but it does have language. If you want you can listen to it while reading though it is short. One thing that I do ask is that if you could please refer to me as they/them and if you could not use the Author- chan as a name to call me. You can call me pipsqueak or Ko, i'm comfortable with those names, but thats it enjoy!)

Y/N's Pov-

The smell of bacon fills my room which awakens me from my slumber. "Hm?" I question as I hear my door open. "Hey wake up, today's your first day at UA" my brother says. "Yeah uh, thanks for waking me up" I reply rubbing my eyes. "Its cool, though our food is gonna get cold." They chuckle.

I walk downstairs and see pancakes, bacon, and coffee. "Thanks big bro" I say while ruffling their hair. "Hey watch the hair!" They say fixing it. I chuckle and eat my breakfast while having small talk with my brother.

"Hey. For real, thanks you didn't have to do this." "Aw is my little sis going soft" they say teasingly. "Oh shut up!" I replied laughing and went upstairs.

-time skip- (walking to UA)

My name is L/N Y/N. I live with my older brother in an apartment complex near UA. It's nice I guess but whatever. My quirk is really powerful; it's called dramatics. I basically make people any emotion I want. Sometimes I can even make them see their worst fear. I'm also really good at close combat, so that's a big advantage of mine.

Our parents don't live with us. In fact, we haven't seen them in years. It doesn't bother us because my brother and I have each other, but we do wonder why they left us from time to time.

I suddenly bump into something and recognize it a huge door. "Huh looks like I'm here" I open the door and see a red haired kid pulling on an ash blonde haired kid, a green haired kid mumbling, a floating uniform, and an old guy in a sleeping bag.

"okay what the hell." I say standing next to the teacher's desk.

All of its sudden the commotion dies down. "Y/N you're late" the old man speaks in a very harsh tone. I look at the time and see i'm 2 minutes late, "BRO ITS ONLY TWO MINUTES" I though to myself. "You're sleeping when you're supposed to be teaching. You can't even control a couple of teenagers, when you've been teaching for what, ten years? Aren't you supposed to be in charge of the class? Think before you speak old man" I snap back.

I look at the class and see their jaws drop. "Y/N that is completely unacceptable, you should not talk to your teacher that way-" a blue haired kid says before getting cut off. " it's fine Iida, take your seat Y/N" he says tiredly.

I sit in go to my seat getting stares from everyone. "You know it's kinda rude to stare at a women, especially when they're new" I say rolling my eyes. "Tch" the ash blonde said.

-time skip bc class is boring-

"Okay everyone, it's lunch now so go eat or do whatever I don't care" the old man says.

"Is this what they normally do?" I thought to myself. "Hey Y/N come sit with us!" A pink haired girl says. I go over and they introduce themselves "I'm Mina, I'm Kirishima, I'm Sero, I'm Jirou, ...I'm Bakugo, and I'm Denki". "Hi I'm Y/N."

"Hey do you have insta?" Mina asks. "Yeah, uh lemme show you my account."

-This is on instagram-

"-This is on instagram-

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3,903 likes 309 comments
@uh.Y/N: Get yourself a brother that drinks beer during your mental breakdowns 🤪

@thatidiot: Hey! That's me!
@bri_anna: Ew Budwiser-
@da_brat.liya: Why in the bathroom tho-
                - tap to review more comments-

(this is in real life)

"Wow you're really famous!" Jirou says in awe. "No I'm not It was a one hit wonder." I say eating my rice. "Hey what's this?" Sero points out.

@uh.Y/N                                               (Y/N has the cigarette) 

Y/N                                               (Y/N has the cigarette) 

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53,438 likes 2,067 comments
@uh.Y/N: Well isn't she sweet, thanks luv <3

@thatidiot: Thought you were quitting:(
              @uh.Y/N: @thatidiot Ik Ik I'm trying 
@sheesh_: She's so pretty omg-
@Alexrav: it's sad seeing other people live your dreams😔
                          -tap to review comments-

(in real life)

"ah, that's my ex girlfriend." I say bluntly. "EX GIRLFRIEND?!" They yell in unison. "Yeah ex girlfriend.. I'm Bi" I reply before taking a sip of my soda. "I expected it to be honest" Bakugo says rolling his eyes. "You're gay aren't you?" Everyone chokes on their food and starts laughing except Bakugo, "HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" "I don't know, you just seem like a raging gay" I say shrugging my shoulders. I look over and see everyone on the floor laughing while Bakugo just blushes.

-After lunch-

We walk back to class talking and screwing around. "So you're telling me my bones are wet?!" Denki shrieks. "I mean obviously" Bakugo said while rolling his eyes, "So if your bones are wet then- AH I JUST GOT A MENTAL PICTURE!" I yell putting my face in my hands. Kirishima and the others laugh as we get to the door.

"Y/N." The old man says. "Old man." I reply raising an eyebrow. "Its sensei to you." "Hm okay old man" I say rolling my eyes. "See me after class Y/N" he says as I just roll my eyes.

(A/N: This is the first chapter, I will upload the next one soon! Tell me what you think about it so far! I am open to any criticism, and I hope you enjoyed!) 

Total of words: 1,028

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