I beg your pardon-

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(A/N:  Stan Twice for clear skin but enjoy!)

Y/N's Pov-

I wake up to Mina shaking me, "Y/N wake up, we're gonna be late for school" Kirishima says. "Yeah yeah I'm up I'm up" I tiredly say rubbing my eyes. I go to my bathroom and get dressed as I heard 'streets' play outside the bathroom. "Hey! If Bakugo and Kirishima are going to do the nasty at least don't do it in my room!"

"Shut up Y/N!" Bakugo yells.

I walk out in my uniform still very tired; "Denki can you give me a piggyback ride, I'm tired" I see Denki blush, but nod. He puts me on his back and starts running around the dorms. "Woah calm down!" I say laughing. I look back and see Jirou on Mina's back, Bakugo on Kirishima's back, and Sero getting his tape out. "Race ya!" Jirou yells as Mina starts running to the school. " HEY NO FAIR!" Bakugo and I yell.

Shouts and laughing were heard throughout the hallway as students were getting taught. "HEY YOU'RE CHEATING" I shout at Bakugo, "You didn't say we couldn't use our quirks" Bakugo says as he grins. Sero uses his tape and swings around the halls, " later losers" he teases. "Come on Denki you got this!" I cheer.

We were in the league and right in-front of the door when Bakugo and Kirishima open it first, "How?!" Denki and I yell. Bakugo and Kirishima laugh as Mina, Jirou, and Sero caught up, "how did I lose- I literally had the biggest advantage" Sero says out of breath. "I call a rematch-" Mina says before getting cut off with a person clearing their throat. "Yo old man loving the new hair" I say as I get off Denki's back. "You're late...again" "calm down it's only 5 minutes, you were probably sleeping judging on the fact you're in a sleeping bag." "Tch just sit down."

"Today we are going to the USJ pack up and change into your training uniforms." He says tiredly.

The girls and I go into our locker room and start changing. I get the feeling someone is watching me, so I quickly put on my uniform and look around. I see a hole in one of the walls and hear talking on the other side," finally I can see some boobies" someone says. I punch my hand through the wall and grab the pervert, "listen here. if I ever hear you or see you do something like that again, a pair of balls to say that to my face won't be the only thing you're missing. Do I make myself clear?" They nod vigorously and kick their legs. "Good." I say letting them go.

"whoa you finally got him away *ribbit*" a frog says. "Huh? This is normal for you guys?" "Yeah we always cover each other when we change because we don't know when they're watching." A brown haired girl said."I'll make sure that will never happen again" I say with a smile.

-At the USJ-

We walk in the facility and talk to each other for a sec, " Hey I'm Midoriya! That's Todoroki and Iida." "Hi?..I'm Y/N".

We all talk for a while but I see purple portals "u-uh guys!" I say pointing at the portals. Aizawa goes in-front of us and yells,"go back to UA! They're villains!" We all try leaving, but a purple cloud stops us. "Really!" I thought as I rubbed my temples in frustration. Within seconds we're split up from each other.

I open my eyes and feel a pain in my ribs. I touch them a yelp in pain, "damn they got me good, they broke 3 ribs." I say wincing in pain. I look up and see Aizawa getting his ass whopped. I activate my quirk and make the blue haired boy cry, "why am I crying? It's one of those brats isn't it." He says in a raspy voice. While the guy was distracted Aizawa got out of the monsters grip and attacked the guy.

Some villains start surrounding me with a smirks on their faces. "A-Ah shit" I yelp in pain as I get up. "You got this Y/N" you thought, and brung up your fist "Bring it." I say chuckling.

The villains were weak, but one just didn't want to say down. They kick me in the stomach and I cry in pain. Suddenly he started to cry in pain too, almost as if we had telepathy. I got up with sweat on my forehead, tears on my cheek, and a very bruised stomach. "This guy is really getting on my nerves" I groan angrily.
I run up to him and dodge his attacks as I knee him in the stomach multiple times. I kick him one last time and make a bold move to punch myself in the ribs. The villain and I scream in pain, but the villain finally passes out.

I drop on the ground cradling myself as it was the only comfort I had, "Y/N?!" I hear someone say. I just cry in pain, it felt like my body was being torn in half. I look up and see Aizawa laying on the floor a couple meters away from me, "it hurts so bad sensei!", I yell in pain. "What hurts?!" He yells back, "I got 3- shit! 4 broken ribs, and a bruised abdomen!" I groan. "Y/N listen carefully! I need you to give me the emotion hatred, so I don't feel pain when I come to you!" He yells. I nod and try to give him the emotion hatred with the strength I had left in my body.

I see Aizawa come towards me with a mean but painful expression, "that's kinda hot not gonna lie- really Y/N we are literally in a life or death situation."

He finally gets to me and I can disable quirk. He hisses in pain, but tries to cover it up by biting his lip; "okay kid let me see your stomach", I pull up my jacket and shirt and see purple bruises everywhere "shit kid..." he says shocked. He presses a little and I scream and cry in pain. "Stop touching it you idiot!" (SAY YOU ARE MY BAKA👹SAY YOU ARE MY BAKA👹SAY YOU ARE MY BAKA👹SAY YOU ARE MY BAKA👹- i'm sorry😭) "you were right 4 broken ribs and one very bruised abdomen" he mumbles.

I hear gunshots and flinch, "It's fine it's just the hero's" he says.

Aizawa's Pov-

"Im gonna have to make you stand up, so they can see us." I say; they groans but knows it has to be done. We both get up together and use each other for support. We start walking little by little until the hero's see's us. They split us apart and take use to the hospital, but the only thing that was on my mind was them.

(A/N: This chapter is done, I will more than likely update tomorrow but it depend on my school work. Love you and hope you enjoyed!)

Total words:1,174

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