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"I'm slumped." Seokjin moaned, resting his head on the pile of books sitting on his desk. He wiped the sweat of his forehead and fanned himself with a folded piece of paper. "It's getting hot." he mumbled to himself.

As days passed, the temperature rose. And the end of the year came closer and closer. Seokjin hadn't been able to hangout with Jungkook in days, since he also was busy with school. The only person he saw was Hoseok, if he wasn't knocked out on the bed. Exams were really kicking his butt and more than anything, he wanted for the school year to end.

He decided to quit lazing around and get up to take a shower. Maybe then he could cool down. He didn't hear the knock on his door until after he stepped out, only noticing the letter that had been slipped under the door. He furrowed his eyebrows and picked it up. It was a normal enveloped letter, nothing special unlike the letter he had received before from Jisoo.

He sat down on the couch in the living room and opened it up.

"Meet me tonight at the rose garden next to the Science building at 8 pm.

- PJM"

Seokjin frowned in confusion. "What would he want to talk about that late at night? Is he not studying?" He folded the letter back up and set it on the table. "At 8?" he looked at his phone "that's in three hours. Might as well eat and get some homework done."


Time passed by quickly and before he knew it, Seokjin was leaving the house to go the rose garden and meet with Jimin. For what? He was not sure. But it had to be for a good enough reason. He sighed as a small breeze passed by, contrasting the hot temperature. In no time, he'd arrived at the rose garden. He pulled out his phone. 8:00, just in time.

He heard some rustling nearby and looked towards it. Jimin came out walking from under the trees, his face emotionless.

"Ah, you came." he said.

Seokjin shrugged, "I figured I should."

Jimin nodded, standing in front of him, a few feet away. "Well, i'm not here to chit chat, so i'll get straight to the point. I need your help."

"My help? For what?"

"Listen, I don't even want to ask for your help, but I am only asking because I think you have something to do with my problem."

"Problem? What do I have to do with—"

"Stop interrupting me and listen. If you didn't stop me, i'd answer everything."

Seokjin nodded, ears red, "You're right, sorry."

Jimin continued, "The problem is Taehyung."

Seokjin's face fell.

"After what happened between you two, I have been sleeping over with him. In his sleep, he mumbles your name over and over while trashing around. He has woken up with scratch marks over his body from hurting himself in his sleep. Not only that, but he's almost lifeless. His eyes are dark and with no emotion; his skin pale and with large bags under his eyes. He isn't the same since he last visited his mother. And I think she had something to do with that.

Although he denies everything, I know something is going on. I've tried multiple times to get him to talk to you, but, as you can tell, he refuses. He can't even focus on the exams." Jimin stopped, looking to the side. "And I think Athena is planning something behind the scenes...that might be harmful to you as well."

"...To me?"

"Correct. The only reason Taehyung started acting this way was because of you. And that was only after visiting her. He hasn't visited since, but I feel like they've met in other ways."

"What makes you think that?"

"I saw one of Athena's minions here. She had blended in very well with the crowd and almost looks like a regular student here. But she doesn't attend classes or anything that makes her look like a student. Not only that, but i've seen her leaving Taehyung's dorm before. She also carries a bow and arrow. That should'be been a red flag for anyone here."

"Right, because there aren't even any archery clubs or classes here. Why would she even carry those around." Seokjin added.

Jimin nodded, "And...wait we should probably go somewhere else. It isn't safe to be speaking of this out here. We should go to—" he stopped in the middle of speaking, his eyes catching a small glimpse of light from the side.

Hearing the shuffling, he looked at Seokjin with wide eyes, "Get down!" he yelled, making the other fall back and behind the rose bushes. They both turned when they saw the arrow fly over them, scratching Jimin's shoulder before getting stabbing in the middle of a tree.

Jimin groaned and held his shoulder, blood dripping down his arm. Seokjin got up and went over to him, "Let's go inside and get you fixed up." he said, holding Jimin's arm.

Jimin groaned, "Okay, but we have to hurry in case someone throws an arrow again."

Seokjin nodded getting up and running back inside with Jimin. Back inside, he cleaned up Jimin's would and bandaged it.

"Do you know who might've attacked us?" Seokjin asked, putting the bandages away.

"Probably the person we were talking about." Jimin said, sitting back. "They might've caught onto me. I'll have to stay the night here."

"Fine, if it's for the best."

They stayed silent before Jimin speaks again.

"So, what do you say? Will you lend me your help?" he asked.

Seokjin stopped, thinking for a bit before sighing. "I will."



i was kind of stumped about what to write but i hope you enjoyed!! 💜💜

i'm getting things together since i'll be graduating high school and i'm also getting everything ready for college since i'm doing summer classes for them as well. so, i can relate with seokjin here 😅 i haven't even watched anime either, which is like my lifeline. i just shower, get in bed, and knock out almost instantly 😔.

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