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The image of Seokjin's sad and disappointed face lingered in Taehyung's mind, keeping him awake for days on end.

"I didn't mean those things! I didn't say them! I'm being controlled! I'd never say those horrible things to you!" he screamed, tears streaming down his face.

After that day, not even Jimin bothered to show up at his dorm again. Things were getting worse and worse for him, and he was going to try and put an end to his suffering. He wiped the tears off his face, sniffed and changed his clothes.

"I'll have to pay my dear mother a visit." he said to himself, leaving his dorm.


Seokjin shook Jimin awake, who had fallen asleep on the couch once again. Jimin woke up and rubbed his eyes, sitting up.

"You can stay here, Jimin. There's no reason for you to sneak in and sleep on the couch." Seokjin said, looking down at him.

"I don't need a place to stay, I can't just come here?" Jimin said, adding a fake laugh at the end.

Seokjin shook his head, "Whatever you say. My room is always unlocked, so just come in at night. Anyways, want some breakfast?"

Jimin got up, "Nah, I have to go pick some things up at my dorm. But i'll come back soon."

Seokjin followed him out the door, "Okay, i'll wait for you outside."

After Jimin left, he went back in and made breakfast for himself and Hoseok. He set the plates of food on the counter and went to his room to change. When he was walking out, he noticed another envelope sitting on his bed. But this time, it was a shimmering gold. It looked like it was floating and not even real. He tilted his head in confusion and picked it up.

He opened it and was surprised to see beautiful calligraphy written in golden ink. And even more surprised when the letter started reading itself. It was the voice of a women, one with authority but it also brought calmness to him. It was gentle.

"It seems you've taken notice of my interest towards you, Seokjin-ah. You've even gone out of your way to learn more about me from others.

If you want to know more about me and why I am interested in you, you will need to travel to me. In one month time, right after your classes end, I will be in Greece. If you decide you want to know more, I will meet you then and there.

The catch is; you'll have to come on your own. If I sense even a small presence apart from you, I will refuse to meet you, and your long travel will be in vain. So, if you accept, I will await you there, at 12 in the morning.



"Wow, you don't know how much of a surprise it was to have been told of you being here, Taehyung." Athena said, walking past Taehyung and sitting behind her desk.

"I'm not here to visit because I want to." Taehyung replied, voice cold.

"Well then, what are you here for?" Athena asked, sipping on a cup of tea.

"I'm here to tell you that I will no longer let you control me. I will not be drinking the elixir anymore, either. And...I will not let you hurt Seokjin. Or anyone else for that matter." he said in one breath, voice strong and authoritative. He wasn't going to keep things like this. He needed to end the situation he had put himself in.

Athena stopped, her eyes slowly meeting her son's. "Do you know what you're saying?" she asked, her voice right above a whisper.

"I definitely do, one hundred percent. And I will also attain for the consequences of my actions."

"Hmph! I guess you really are my son." she said, standing up. "Fine, i'll let you do as you say. I will no longer control you, but that will mean Seokjin is not safe. You understand this, correct?"

"I do."

"Great. Then, is this all you came here for?"

"Fortunately, yes that is. I will leave now. See you...at another time..." he said, giving her his back and leaving.

Athena clinched her fists, slamming them down on the desk. "Damn it, you really did come out just like me, didn't you? I should've known you wouldn't let me control you for too long before you decided to take matters into your own hands. Well, the both of us can do that."

She ringed for Delphine, who showed up in mere seconds. "Yes, Lady Athena? You've called for me." she said, kneeling down in front of the Goddess, her head lowered in respect.

"It seems we'll need to approach things differently, Delphine. You will no longer be going to the school; you'll stay here by my side. Another person shall be my new infiltrator. They know who you are and will want to keep you away. Someone new will continue this mission." she stopped. "Report to me everything that you know, and I will tell you your next move."

Delphine nodded, "Kim Seokjin isn't the only one who knows of me. There is also another person."

"And who's that?"

"Park Jimin, son of Poseidon."

Athena's jaw clenched in anger. "Wow, step-brothers have joined forces, huh? Well, I wonder if they even know that they're step brothers."

"My lady, i'm almost positive they do not know they have the same father. Either they don't know, or they don't want to accept it."

"Either way, I guess destiny has brought them together. We'll have to sidestep our plan a little, and get rid of this small inconvenience first. Once he's gone, getting to Seokjin will be easier."

"I agree, my lady."

"Well then, let's get to work."


i hope you enjoyed!!! 💕💜💕🌹

i hope you enjoyed!!! 💕💜💕🌹

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