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Seokjin looked down at the letter, trying to make out the writing. It was horrible. The fairy looked at him and giggled.

"Having a hard time?" she asks.

Seokjin nods with furrowed eyebrows.

"I get it, Mr. Zeus' writing tends to be messy. Well, Zeus has invited you to come to Olympus and attend Greece Uni., among sons and daughters of Gods, Godesses, and Demi-gods. The ceremony is in one week."

Seokjin looks surprised. "Does he know who I am?"

The fairy nods, "Yes, you're Medusa's son. Zeus may not always attend everything, but he knows everything. Anyway, yes, he knows who you are and is encouraging your presence."

Seokjin's mouth turns. "Well, if I do accept, how will I get to Olympus?" he asks.

"Well, there'll be a chariot coming here and taking you along. Things will be more clear if you accept." she explains.

Seokjin nods, "Well, uhm, do I have some time to think about my decision?"

She nods, "Of course! You have until 24 hours before the day of the opening ceremony. You can just ring this bell." she says, extending her hand and giving him a won't golden bell, that enlarges when it's in his hand. "Ring this bell, and i'll come in an instant." she says.

"Okay. Thank you."

The fairy smiles, "Of course, I hope you decide to attend!" she says before flying away and disappearing.

Seokjin sighs. He sits back on his chair. He almost yells when he hears footsteps. "W-Who's there? Take another step and you'll be turned into stone!" he warns.

"C'mon Jin, it's me."

Seokjin calms down as he sees his friends face appear from behind the trees. "Hobi, don't scare me like that!" he shrieks.

Hoseok laughs, "Sorry, I was just eavesdropping in your conversation a little ago." he says. He goes to sit next to Seokjin and puts his arm around his shoulders. "What do you think?"

"About what?"

"That whole thing. Do you think you're going to attend?" he asks.

Seokjin shrugs. "I don't know Hobi. I'd like to, I just don't want to get hated." he said sadly.

Hoseok caresses his shoulder, "C'mon, don't bum yourself out. I think this is a good opportunity for you to see new surroundings and meet new people."

Seokjin looks at him. "You think so?"

"I know so, Jinnie. Plus, if you don't accept, you will never know what lies beyond this forest. Don't you want to know?" he says, his eyebrow raised.

Seokjin's eyes shine with curiosity. "Yes, I do." he says with a small smile, but it erases off his face quickly. "But...what about you? You're going to be here by yourself." he says worried.

Hoseok waves him off, "Don't worry about me, i'll be fine. Plus, they invited you, not me. I'm not important. Don't think about me, this is about you." he says.

Seokjin looks at him sadly, "But, I'll be alone too."

Hoseok clicks his tongue, "C'mon Jinnie, you won't. You'll meet knew people! You'll have new friends. I bet you'll even forget me." he said.

Seokjin quickly shook his head, "No! I won't Hobi, I promise I won't." he repeats.

Hoseok laughs, "I'm joking, I know you won't." he says. He finds it adorable how innocent Jin can be at times.

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