Part 10: Rocks in a Hard Place

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Two months had already gone by without Vessel and things were beginning to fall into chaos.

Ari was being horribly overworked and due to Beth's new title over the bees, they had begun to have to force out those wishing to buy honey from them, informing them that once the Queen of Hallownest returned they would be entering negotiations for trade, not before.

Stardust was constantly bombarded with issues that made no sense to question. People were afraid, and other people had begun to seize control over that fear.

A powerful mantis called by the name of Regal by his followers, for it was not his actual name, had begun to provide the terrified people with a means to feel more secure.
He claimed that he was more powerful than Vessel could ever dream to be. That he would protect the people with his strength and dismantle any who claimed otherwise if they would make him king.
He claimed without a king, Hallownest was weak and crumbling.

Unknowingly to him, Ellie had managed to sneak into a few of his preachings. She knew of his plans, but also knew of the terror Vessel could bring into a person because of a presence that seemed to command authority. She had warned Beth about him and what they had done to defend their Hive was destroy the path to get there, meaning one would have to move through the acid to get there.

The Mantis Tribe and Deepnest had done similar things to keep out of Hallownest's affairs and with their closing off, the rest of the settlers in the Fungal Wastes had done the same. No one could get in or out of the areas.

All would be chaos until the Queen returned to deal with a destructive mantis who threatened the lives of all.

Ellie was making her usual walk to the White Palace, which seemed lifeless as ever. She rang the bell for Ari in the Hidden Station, knowing it was his lunch time.

The stag came panting up to the station.

"You know, I'm going to have hope that she's come back every time you do that." Ari says, immediately lying down to rest his legs.

"Hope is all we have right now." Ellie shrugs, "I guess now we know how the people of ancient Hallownest felt when their glorious King disappeared."

"Yeah..." Ari sighs.

"They still aren't taking it any easier on you, huh?" Ellie asks sadly.

"No." Ari lays his head on the ground. "I've begun to consider abandoning my task all together, but I just hope that she comes back soon."

"I wonder what she's doing in there." Ellie looks back at the enormous structure.

"The guard still hasn't let you in?" Ari asks, raising his head.

"Nope. But I keep trying." Ellie shrugs, "A part of me thinks she doesn't realize how long it's been."

"I would not be surprised." Ari laughs lightly.

There's a loud scream from inside the Palace.

"I think that's my cue to get going." Ari stands up.

"See ya." Ellie waves goodbye as the stag takes off again.

Instead of heading home though, she goes to see what happened. The Kingsmould now lay crumpled beside its post and made no movement when Ellie steeped over it.

The once shining palace felt dull and dark. Very dark. Ellie could hear Vessel shouting way up above in another floor, and something making a sort of hissing scream back.

She decided to leave, but picked up the note from the Grimm Troupe and found a pencil leaving a note on the back.

'Hallownest needs you.'

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