Part 3: Where the Geo Piles Up

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Vessel actually cut a different sheet to a more suitable length just to spite Stardust over her comment last night. Now her dress was knee length with small sleeves, and no back because she cut it too far. She tied a piece of thread around her waist to act as a belt or a sash.

The first thing Vessel did in the morning was go to the Fungal Wastes and tell them about the massive party that was going to be passing through to get to the City. Just for them to be prepared.

Vessel, after collecting said group, also was extraordinarily careful that no one did anything that might result in the mushrooms getting angry. When they finally go to the City of Tears, they had sung at least three different songs five times over. No one else was awake when they got there because of the extreme that they had worn themselves to the day prior, so hearing a bunch of people singing cheerfully was what most people in the city woke up to.

"Can you all start by clearing out some of the roads? They're not too bad because they were underwater but some of them are still pretty bad." Vessel asks the group, "Next we're going to need to fix anything that might be broken, and clean up and corrosion left by the water."

They got to work almost immediately and before even an hour had passed, the streets were much wider because they cleaned out all the deposits left by the water, everyone was now working on having all the windows cleaned, fixing things inside, and a few were even just messing around with levers and elevators to make sure things were working properly and there were no holes in the floor or ceiling.

"Your majesty?" a bug approached Vessel slightly nervous.

"Yes? What is it?" Vessel asks them.

"Some people are asking to see you in the Kingdom's Edge, they told me to get you there or else..."

"Oh dear," Vessel rubs in between her eyes lightly, "You don't need to concern yourself with it I think I know exactly who this is." She made her way to the Pleasure House and climbed up the wall in the tunnel to the elevator shaft, managing to jump across the gap she walked over to the Colosseum of Fools.

"Haven't seen this place in a while." She said as she walked inside, immediately noticing the tied up bug hanging upside down.

"Oh, you do have some sense, the new lord was looking for you." the bug said to her.

"This place is under new management? What happened to the Lord Fool?" Vessel asks confused, she used to visit this place all the time, she even got a title after besting the Lord Fool in a fight.

"He died, but that doesn't matter, the new lord is in the arena waiting for you." the little fool told her.

"Ok then." Vessel says to herself walking over to the arena, not trusting the gates to not close on her she stood just before them and looked inside.

The crowd was muttering among themselves like they usually did before a fight and sitting upon the Lords throne was a brownish creature, looking impressive in strength and speed and clearly battle-scarred. He reminded Vessel of a larger and more impressive version of her father, well... other than the color and horn difference. He seemed bored as he looked into the arena.

Vessel was unimpressed, this bug was nothing like the Lord Fool, after all, he looks more impressive but she doubted he had to prove himself to end up upon that throne. Looks aren't everything though.

"Enter." the large bug calls.

"No, I don't think I will actually." Vessel retorts, knowing a set trap when she sees one. "I know the ways of this place all too well myself."

"Then you would know we have ways of making you."

"No amount of soldiers you send after me would be able to change my mind. Now who are you?"

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