Chapter 6 - Rage of the Zeppeli! Arienna's Amazing Debut!

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 Oobleck: Yes, yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunus War, humankind was quite quite adamant about centralizing the Faunus population in Menagerie. Now, while this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events. Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day.

Joshua was completely overwhelmed by the speed at which Oobleck was zipping around the room giving his lesson. To his right, he saw Arienna scribbling down notes twice as fast with the help of her stand.

Oobleck: Now, have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?

A couple of students raised their hands.

Oobleck: Dreadful, simply dreadful. Remember, students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! I mean- I mean- I mean, just look at what happened to White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?

Weiss raised her hand.

Oobleck: Yes?

Weiss: The battle at Fort Castle.

(Author's Note: Yeah, real original name there)

Oobleck: Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?

Cardin then threw a piece of paper, hitting Jaune in the back of the head.

Jaune: Hey!

Oobleck: Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?

Jaune: Uhhhh... The answer... The advantage... that the Faunus... had over that guy's stuff... uh...

Pyrrha gives Jaune hand gestures hinting at the answer. Hand gestures that Jaune misinterprets as...

Jaune: Binoculars!

Many students in the class began to laugh.

Joshua: That's awfully embarrassing...

Arienna: I'd hate to be a laughing stock like that.

Silver laughing: Binoculars! AHAHA!!!

Oobleck: Very funny, Mr. Arc. Cardin, perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject.

Cardin: Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier.

Oobleck began to shake his head and Silver suddenly stopped laughing.

Arienna: You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?

Cardin: What? You got a problem, Zeppeli?

Arienna: No, I have the answer. It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have near-perfect sight in the dark.

Pyrrha turned back to look at Arienna.

Pyrrha: Good job, Arienna. I was just about to say that.

Joshua in head: She sure is smart, isn't she?

Blake: General Lagune was inexperienced, and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured.

Silver: Perhaps if he'd paid attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such an embarrassing, cataclysmic failure.

Cardin stood up.

Cardin: You got a problem too, Davis?

Oobleck: Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat.

Cardin scoffed before sitting back down.

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