Chapter 9 - A Tense Situation! Silver's Secret Revealed!

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Chapter 9:

In a dark, undisclosed location, Axel Dane and Kawa Nakamura awaited a certain individual's arrival.

Axel: What's taking him so long?

Nakamura smacked him in the back of the head.

Nakamura: Shut up, Axel! Shibute-sama will take as long as he needs to get here!

Axel grumbled and rubbed his head in pain. A few seconds after this, a heavy metal door could be heard opening and Shibute could be seen walking in.

Nakamura: Shibute-sama! We've gathered intel on the stand users attending Beacon. As far as we know there are 5.

Shibute: And their stands?

Nakamura: A girl by the name of Azura Yalden has a long-ranged stand with minimal power and a lackluster ability.

Shibute: Go on.

Nakamura: Another girl, Arienna Zeppeli, has a stand with average power, and great speed, at the cost of a low range. Her stand's ability is to turn steam into weapons, and she makes good use of it. Then there's Silver Davis, who-

Shibute: I am well aware of what Silver Davis can do.

Nakamura cleared her through in an awkward manner before continuing.

Nakamura: Okay, then there's Simon Grey. His stand is fast, but not very strong. It's ability is to reflect any physical attacks back onto the person who struck it.

Shibute: Intriguing.

Nakamura: Then there's the one we already knew about. Joshua Kujo.

Shibute: Yes. From what we knew already, his stand possesses great power, and great speed.

Axel: So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum?

Nakamura: Not entirely. In fact, I think Last Battalion has one up on Star Platinum. You see, even though all of its attributes point to it being a short ranged stand, it actually has a range of at least 80 meters. Though it could be more.

Shibute: The range of Last Battalion is the last piece of the puzzle we needed. I have reached my conclusion.

Axel: If I may ask, Master Shibute, what is that conclusion?

Shibute: My conclusion is that Three Days Grace doesn't stand a chance against Last Battalion.

Axel and Nakamura: EH???

Shibute: At least... not alone...

Shibute began to walk towards his two underlings.

Shibute: Kawa.

Nakamura: Y- Yes, Shibute-sama?

Shibute: Bring me the arrow.

Meanwhile at Beacon

Teams RWBY and JAYD were back in the dorms and there was trouble in the air. Ever since the docks, Blake and Silver had been arguing with Weiss about her discriminatory remarks at the expense of Faunus.

Joshua in head: These three have been arguing non stop since we got here! Why are they still on this? This is so ridiculous.

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a problem.

Blake: That IS the problem!

Weiss: You realize you're defending an organization that hates humanity, don't you?

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