Chapter Two: First Meeting with Dumbledore

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Chapter Two: First Meeting with Dumbledore

Harry and Draco said their goodbyes until they had to go to Dumbledore later on that night. Harry grabbed his luggage and found Ron and Hermione, and joined them to head to the castle. Draco found Crabe and Goyle and did the same. Harry was thinking about the meeting with Dumbledore later that night. Ron had a confused look on his face and decided to break the silence. "Yo Harry, how was your ride alone on the train?" "Erm, good I guess. I fell asleep so I don't remember much of the ride" Harry replies. "How was your summer Hermione?" Harry asks. "Pretty good! I got to go to the US and I got to go to this place called Mount Rushmore. It was loads of fun".

Before they know it they arrive. Harry grabbed his things and went his separate way to the Gryffindor tower. He sees Professor McGonigal, says hi and goes on his way to the Gryffindor tower. He drops his stuff off at the foot of his bed and heads to find Dumbledore's office. He arrives at the giant eagle. "Password" says the eagle. "Bubble Gum Brownies" Harry replies. Harry then goes into Dumbledore's office and is welcomed but Dumbledore himself.

"Why, hello Harry. Nice to see on this fine evening". "Hello sir" Harry replies. Dumbledore gestures to Harry to sit down in a chair in front of his desk. Harry does what Dumbledore wants him to do. "So... Draco Malfoy and I need to have a little meeting with you after supper. It is a private matter between him and I need to talk privately with just you". Dumbledore thinks for a bit before he replies. "Why, of course Harry. That would be allowed. After you two are done eating just head up to my office. I assume you know the password of 'Bubble Gum Brownie'". "Why, yes I do, McGonigal gave a parchment with all of the weekly password changes like every year" says Harry with pride.

Harry leaves Dumbledore's office and starts heading to the great hall, but first he runs into Draco. Just the person he needed to talk to. "Hello Malfoy". "What do you want, Potter" says Draco with fake disgust. Harry laughs to himself and replies. "I just talked to Dumble-doof and head to the eagle and wait for me, after you are done eating". Draco just nods and looks into Harry's eyes. Draco loves Harry's eyes. "Anyway, see you later Malfoy". Harry then mouths 'I love your eyes'. Later down in the Great Hall, the first years are welcomed into their sorted houses, and they start eating.

Harry is staring at Draco from across the room. Hermione notices but thinks that he is just staring into nothing. "Um, Harry you alright?" Hermione says. It takes Harry a few seconds to realize that Hermione was talking to him. "Oh, um yeah I am fine. I'm just thinking about my meeting with Dumbledore later". Ron interjects, "But it's the first day back, you can't have a meeting on the first day Harry. That's not fair". Harry laughs. "Ron it's about me becoming head of house after next year". Ron gives the 'oh yeah' look and continues eating.

After a while, Harry is done eating and looks up to see if Draco is there, but he isn't. That is a sign for Harry to head up to Dumbledore's office. He says his goodbyes to everyone and starts for Dumbledore's office. Once he gets there Draco gets excited and gives Harry a bone crushing hug. "Um... Draco... you... are... crush---ing... me". "Oh sorry Harry, but I have been wanting to do that since you told me when to head to the eagle". "It's fine Draco, but we do have our meeting". Draco smiles and the eagle asks for the password and Harry gives the password and they head into Dumbledore's office.

"Ahhhh, finally you two are here. So, what is it that you need to talk to me about" asks Dumbledore. Harry looks at Draco and Draco looks at Harry. Harry decides to start talking before everything gets awkward. "Ok, so Draco and I became a couple during the summer and well, we want to spend time together during the school year, and well you see sir. Draco and I are in rival houses and that won't go over well with everyone". Harry's breathing became unsteady so Draco helped him into a chair while Dumbledore was thinking. "Well you two can use the Room of Requirement at night. You two have my permission to roam around the castle at night as well. I will let all of the night watchers know". Harry looks at Draco. "Thanks Professor Dumbledore" both Harry and Draco say at the same time. Harry and Draco leave the office and head to their separate houses. They both grab a bag and put some of their things in them and start heading to the Room of Requirement. Harry and Draco were so exhausted that once they started cuddling they fell asleep for the night.

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