Chapter Three: The First Quidditch Match

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Chapter Three: The First Quidditch Match

It was finally the day of the first quidditch match. It was Gryffindor playing Slytherin. Ron was a bit hyped for the first match, but at the same time he didn't want their first match to be against Slytherin. Harry on the other hand was excited to test Draco. As all of the students know, Harry is the best seeker after his father went to Hogwarts. Harry's excitement showed a little too much for Ron, so he decided to give Harry his two cents. "Blyme Harry! Why the bloody hell are you so excited. Our first match against our house's rival house. SLYTHERIN!" Ron was going to continue but Hermione stopped him. "Ron calm down! Harry is probably excited to show Malfoy who the boss is on the quidditch pitch, since Malfoy is the new seeker of their team". Ron thought for a moment, "You know what Hermione, you are probably right. Hey Harry is what Hermione true". Harry was thinking, "Sure is Ron, I am ready to beat those bloody Slytherins.

Later, about a minute before the match started, Harry and Draco glared at each other but also had the tiniest bit of love and only they could see in each other. Then the match began. Harry caught sight of the Golden Snitch but didn't show any signs that he saw it and knows where it is. A second later the Gryffindors scored 40 points. Harry decided to try and trick Draco. Harry points the other way and then says, "Yo Malfoy go get the snitch, it's over there". Sure enough Draco fell for the trick, because as soon as Draco went the way Harry had pointed to Harry went the other way. Draco thought, 'that little bastard, he's gonna get it later'.

Draco starts back the other direction, while he was doing so, Ron blocked a goal from the Slytherins, and then Gryffindor got another 100 points. Soon after that Draco caught up with Harry. "Potter, you aren't going to let me have the snitch now aren't ya". Harry thought real quick and then answered, "First match of the year and you think that I am going to let you win and ruin the reputation of Godric Gryffindor? Well you thought wrong Malfoy. During their conversation Gyffindor scored another 200 points. Harry then sped off and caught the snitch. The game was over Gryffindor - 650 points and Slytherin - 0 points.

The teams say good game and change in their changing rooms and head off to supper. Harry waited outside of the Slytherin's changing room to shower Draco in hugs and to possibly scare hime, because why not. Well, his plan worked. "Blyme Harry! What was that for" Draco exclaimed. He then realized that Harry was hugging him from behind. "Tell you what Harry, let's go to the Great Hall and eat some supper and then meet up in the Room of Requirement". Harry started to smile against Draco's neck making Draco smile. "Come on now Harry, you first. Everyone is going to want to see 'The Seeker'". After that Harry and Draco went their separate ways and ate supper.

Later, after supper, Harry and Draco were laying on the couch in the Room of Requirement. Harry on top of Draco with his face in his neck. Harry had decided to tease Draco by nibbling on his neck a little bit. "Harry, what... oh that feels good. Who knew... oh". Harry got Draco's sweet spot which automatically shut him up. Draco then pulled away because he had a question that he wanted to ask. "Harry, are you sure that you are up for this? I mean I wouldn't mind it but don't you think that we are rushing things..." Harry interrupted him. "Draco Lucius Malfoy... You are the one for me. You want to know why, well with our time of being together you actually seem happy outside of our nights together. I see the light in your eyes Draco, and I frickin love you, yes I said it, I love you Draco Malfoy and I want you forever". Draco was so happy but before he could say anything, Harry pulled him into a passionate kiss, and that night was one of the best nights to Draco. See his home life isn't like what other people think.

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