Chapter Eight: The Death of Dumbledore

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Chapter Eight: The Death of Dumbledore.

The last few months went with a big blur because of exams and the death of Dumbledore. Harry almost never left the Room of Requirement. He was very close to Dumbledore in a way that Harry could trust Dumbledore with anything and everything. Harry wasn't failing any of his classes because Draco, Ron, and Hermione made sure to get Harry's work and make sure he got it done so they could turn it in for him. Snape was concerned for Harry but he didn't let it show because he didn't know how to let it show. So, one day Snape went to the Room of Requirement with Draco because he wanted to talk to Harry.

As soon as Harry saw Draco he gave him a big hug, then he saw Snape and let go of Draco. Harry was about to speak when Snape interrupted. "Harry, I know that you hate me, but there is no reason to hate me. I have wanted to sit you down and explain everything". Snape looks at Harry and Harry starts to speak. "Then why do you act as if I do everything wrong and act as if you hate me because of who my parents are?". Snape thinks then speaks. "Harry, when I was going to school here your father was very arrogant, and he ended up taking the one person I loved away from me. Your mother Lily. Yes, I know that sounds weird but it was true. Your mother was one of the very few people who were nice to me. But when James, your father, found out that your mother and I were friends he took her away from me". Snape stops and takes a breath.

"Life was very lonely without your mother around, but she still wrote letters everyday. I remember the day your mother and father got engaged, Harry, I was happy for her but at the same time I wanted to break down and die, because I had just lost the girl of my dreams to your father. But nevertheless your mother still wrote to me every single day. She told me when you were born. I told her that if anything happened to her that I would make sure that you knew that it was for a good reason. But of course Sirius Black is your God Father, so technically he is your legal guardian. Snape stops speaking and lets Harry talk.

"Snape, what I am hearing is that even after my mother chose my father you still loved her and that you to this day would do anything to keep the memory of her alive. I am also hearing that you have a hard time showing that you care about me because I am half of my mother. Am I anywhere close?". Snape thinks for a second. "One the nose Harry. Look I know that it's a bit of a hard time now but all of the teachers and I miss having you in class, especially Lupin. I hope that you will consider coming back to classes in person". Snape gets up and starts to leave but Harry catches up to Snape and gives him a hug and speaks. "Thank you for being honest with me and thank you for trying to protect me". Harry lets go of Snape and he leaves the room.

Harry walks away from the door and walks into Draco's open arms. Draco and Harry stand there for hours hugging each other. Draco then starts kissing Harry's neck and nibbles a little bit. Harry smiles and gains control and takes Draco's shirt off and kisses his neck and then his chest down to his pants. Harry starts to take off Draco's pants when Draco kisses Harry's weak spot and gains control. Draco then takes off Harry's shirt and takes his pants off as well as Harry's. Draco then pins Harry to the wall and starts to put himself into Harry, while doing so Harry was begging Draco to do so. They did this for another couple of hours, but it was then supper time and Draco forced Harry to go down to the Great Hall and eat with their friends. Harry actually had a nice time with Ron, Hermione, Nevil, and Draco. They all ended up going back up to the Room of Requirement, and have a big sleepover. They were pretty tired so they all fell asleep on the floor. 

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