Chapter Six: Dumbledore's Help with an Announcement

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Chapter Six: Dumbledore's Help with an Announcement

It is now the beginning of December. Draco and Harry have been dating for almost 4 months and Harry wants to tell Hermione but he needs to talk to Draco before he does so.

"Hey Draco, I wanna talk to you about something". "Sure what's up sweetheart" Draco says in a calm tone. "I want to be able to tell Hermione about you and I". Draco thinks for a minute before speaking. "I have been meaning to talk to you about this. Harry don't be mad but I told mother". Harry thought quickly before saying anything. "How could I be mad at you for telling your mother? You have the right to tell your parents and friends if you so choose to". Draco smiles and starts talking. "Harry, you can tell Hermione and Ron, but mother wants you to come over during Christmas break. She already talked to Sirius. Did you know that my mom and Sirius are second cousins? I sure didn't know". "Draco... wait I'm not actually related to Sirius so we can still be together". Draco just smiles while looking into Harry's eyes.

Harry and Draco have to leave the confines of the Room of Requirement and have to act as if they still hate each other, just to keep up the reputation of the two houses. Later that day Harry found Ron and Hermione, and Draco found Pansy and Blaise and brought them to the Room of Requirement after supper time. Once they were all in the room Ron had a rather confused look on his face. "Um... Harry why is Draco, Blaise, and Pansy here" Ron says questioning Harry. "Ron, Draco and I will explain that in a second" Harry replies with a little bit of annoyance in his voice. Ron and Hermione just shake their heads and wait. Draco looks at Harry and starts to talk. "Harry you wanna go first or..." "I'll go first," Harry interrupts. "Ron, Hermoine, Pansy, and Blaise, Draco and I have been dating since the beginning of the school year and we have been scared to tell anyone because we don't want to run the reputations of our houses". Ron looks confused still. Hermonie has an understanding look on her face. Blaise seems to be chill with the whole thing, and Pansy wants to talk so she does. "Draco, why didn't you tell us? Blais and I are your best friends, and I am assuming Ron and Hermione are wondering the same thing, based on Ron's look, I think he wants to know why.

"Ok, fine. I didn't tell you two because I was scared that you were going to hate me for liking the head of Gryffindor". Draco looks at Harry and Harry looks to Ron and Hermione. "I'm sorry for not telling you two about me and Draco. I knew Hermione wouldn't get mad at me but I thought that Ron would". Ron thinks for a second then speaks. "Harry, I don't think I can get mad at you for following what your heart wants. If your heart wants to be with Draco I think that it would be great for multiple reasons". Harry thinks and then speaks. "Ron I think you are onto something here, I mean if people from our houses knew that we Draco and I have figured stuff out and sorted out our differences then our houses won't have a feud with one another anymore". Harry and Draco decide to announce their relationship at breakfast the following morning.

Harry wakes up and leaves a note for Draco and then heads to Dumbledore's office, and of course the password is 'Vanilla Milkshake'. Harry enters Dumbledore's office and starts talking. "Hi professor, so Draco and I want to announce our relationship at breakfast and we want your help doing so. I don't think that people will listen to Draco and/or I announce our relationship". Dumbledore looks at Harry then speaks in his calm voice. "Harry, I can announce your relationship, I have been waiting for the day you would ask, so I have a speech all ready for the occasion". Harry looks up at Dumbledore. "Thanks professor". "My pleasure Harry". Harry leaves the office and Draco is outside of the door. "So, what is he gonna do"? Harry smiles, "He is gonna announce our relationship and he has a speech all ready". Draco smiles and kisses Harry. "Thank you for being mine". Harry just brings Draco into a hug. "Let's head down to breakfast". Draco just shakes his head.

The two enter the Great Hall and Dumbledore starts the announcement. After he did so everyone in the Great Hall started chanting 'kiss kiss kiss'. Harry and Draco did so and everyone cheered. Dumbledore starts on his speech. Towards the end of his speech Dumbledore says, "you no longer have assigned house tables so sit by whoever you want to sit by and just have fun with your friends and let breakfast start". Harry and Draco look at each other and kiss each other and find their seats by Hermione, Ron, Blaise, and Pansy. They all talk and have the time of their lives, and since it was the last day of school before Christmas break there weren't any classes. Everyone was enjoying themselves all day, but it was time for bed so everyone went their separate ways and slept happily. 

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