Chapter 24

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Authors Note: I'm sorry if you guys wanted a story to go a certain way but I made up my mind. I decided to give a short P.O.V on Astrid then got straight back to Uriahs than Roxanas. Enjoy it :)


        I'm I giving you mixed singnal God? Are you that fucking delirous! I want to die! I don't give a shit if it's my time or not! You allready put to much of damn heavy burden on my plate! I can't go through with it anymore. I'm not strong enough! It doesn't matter what the nurses say. It's in there fucking job description to tell ill patients that they are going to be alirght. Newflash! I AM GOING TO DIE! I took those pills for a reason! It will guide me towards the light and then I can go be stressed free in heaven. No one would ever miss me. Espically my nasastic birth giver! That woman can just go to hell! She obivously wanted drugs more than she wanted me. (considering the several times I prosituted as a payment for her drugs since the time I got my period.) I hate her! I hate life! I hate you! I hate me! I! HATE! EVERYTHING! MAKE IT ALL END! RIGHT HERE! RIGHT FUCKING NOW! 


        It's been told that when people are in a comma ( or whatever Astrid is in I'm not sure if its a comma or not ) you fall into a deep dream and the only way to come back is if someone truely wants you to. From seeing the ending of If I Stay, I do belivie it to be true. Astrid still hasn't woken up, and I don't think she wants to. Her life is on a lose thread. One small cut of the rope and thats it. Her whole existance is over. I can't let her go thought with that. 

        " Is she awake yet," her nurse asked gingerly while coming into the room.

        I shook my head. 

        " How long will it take?"

        " You can never tell with these things," she infromed, " Sometimes it might takes weeks, months even."

        Months? Weeks? I wasn't liking the sound of this.

        " I'll tell you what," she rambled, " I'll give you a secret. If you really want your fiancce to come back let her know what she means to you." And with that she walked out. 

        Let her know what she means to me. Let her know what she means to me. Let her know what she means to me...

        How can I do that? Its almost like shes advising me to give a declartion of love to Astrid. I'm not doing that. 

        Then dont use the word love dipshit my concious spat. Use the word like instead. It means pretty much the exact same thing. 

        But I don't even like her I complained back.

        You wouldn't be here for days if you didnt... Think about that.... 

         " Astrid," I began after I figure that my mind was right, " Thats such a pretty name. It reminds me of that badass chick from How to train your dragon! She's fucking awesome and hot! Anyways. I don't know what made you want to end your life but just hear me out when I say this. It will get better. You mihgt not think that now but it will..." I was chocking up. Damn it man! Get a grip of yourself. She's asleep. Its not like shes pittying you right now. 

        " My mother left when I was about twelve. My dad caught her cheating on him with her boss and I haven't seen her since. He blames me for what happened. Says if I would of been a better son or worked harder she would of stayed... I don't think it would of made a damn bit of diffrence. I remember the words she left with me when she walked out... She said Uriah people come and go in your life. Some are permint others are temporary. Its up to you who falls into witch catagory...." 

        I whiped a tear  from my face. God I was such a wimp.

        " Thats bullshit," I cried angirly," You don't get to chose who stays in your life. They decided that on there own."

        I took her hand in my and gave it a firm yet gentle squeeze, " I know I don't know you that well. But I do want you in my life. Your a breath of fresh air. I never seen or meet at girl like you.  You got this spunk that is a major turn on. And I love your fucking tattos, even the tramp one.... I would love to get to know you... Please... Wake up... And give me a chance...




Sigh it was worth a shot... I was getting up to leave when a felt something squezze back.

 " Holy Shit," I screamed!

" Don't. Leave. Me. I'm. Tired. Of. Being...." her voice wipsered weakly then she passed out again. 

I smiled softly. I knew she was going to be okay. Because its not the end. And if its not okay, then its not the end. 

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