Chapter 33

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Back at the office


" I don't blame your mom for saying what she did," Lois stated her opinion, " If you were my daughter I would of done the same thing along with grounding you!"

   Well its a good thing I'm not your daugther then isnt it I sneered to myself.

" So after your mothers warning did you stop talking to him," she asked.

" No."

" Why not?"

Is she kidding me?

" Lois," I said her name with a tint of curiosity," When someone tells you not to do something. What is the first thing you want to do?"

   " Rebel."

I lifted my hands in the air, " Well there you go," I beamed sarcastically, " You answered your own questinon."

 She shook her head and rolled her eyes at me.

" Anyways," she said ingorning my comment, " So you keep talking to Billy right and how did that turn out?"

I snorted, " We still kept talking about sex, marrige, and children."

Lois's eyes got so big and round, " Why would you be talking about marrige and children. Your not even out of high school yet!" 

Finally, someone who gets it! 

" Thats what I said," I sceched in disbelif," But he was all like I can't wait that long. Don't wait that long for me. Please baby I love you. And when I specifically told him I was not ready to get married have sex, or a have a family he would get so mad at me that we would break up then not talk then somehow accidently talk to eachother then get back together." 

" So it was like a cycle," Lois asked.

I raised an eyebrow, " What do you mean." 

She got up from her chair and went to the white board. 

She drew a perfectly round circle and put diffrent dots with points on it.

When she was all done she gestrued to the whole thing going from point to point.

" So you talk about marrige, kids, sex, then you say no, then you break up, then you lose contact, then you get back in touch, and talk about the same things again. History is reapeating itself. In a perfect circle." 

" Oh," I sighed, " Ok I get it." 

She went back to her desk and got right back to buisncess.

" So what finally made you change your mind about him?"

" I was shocked about this," I admitted, " But it was when I had a long talk with my brohter." 

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