Chapter 10

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     Goddaman! What the hell! Son of a bitch! That was fucking awesome! A girl that can punch like that screams a few things. Tough as nails, badass, and doesn't take shit from anyone. That is a major turn on.

 “Your so fucking hot when your pissy,” I sighed dreamily.

She scrunched her nose up and made a snort.

“ I'm not “pissyy,” she empapized the word pissy, mocking me, “ I'm…”

She paused. All be damn she doesn't have a word for it. That makes Uriah 1 blondie 1.

“Alright fine I am pissy! Happy!”

Yes, to an exent.

“ I don't remember you being so…” I made a gesture to her body, “ This.”

She grined from ear to ear, smiling mosdestly. “ What can I say I had a revelation.”

“ I hear they are lifechaning.”

“I'm sure they are,” she agreed.

We feel into an akward silence for a bit. Damn I hate these moments. And  to think its happening to a stranger that I don’t even know her name …. I must be dumb as bricks….

            ‘Whats your name?”

            “ Whats it to you?”

            She must not be friendly to anyone. No wonder her friend dropped her like a hot tamallie.

            “ because,” I prompted, “ I don’t know it”

            “and that’s a good enough reason?”

            “ I think so, “ I said thoughtfully, “ besides u know my name.”

            “that’s because ur stupid father introduced u to everyone in the congreagation.”

            Im sure what a con..con…con.. whatever she said is but its gottA BE church talk.

            “look,” I sighed defatedly, “    do u have a name or not.?”

            She drummed her fingers on her thighs then took a deep breath.

“ its Max.”


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